lördag 13 augusti 2016

Dear students at Ringsjöskolan

Dear students,
My name is Sara Bruun and I am your new English teacher.  Please, remember the link to this blog since you will find your lesson plans and instructions here: www.bruunsklassrum.blogspot.se 
To the right, you can find the name of your class i.e English 7 or English 8 - click on the name and you can find the instructions there.

All groups will get feedback through Google Classroom and when a theme or a task is finished you will be able to see your result in Vklass.

Make sure that you know your log in to Vklass !

If you would like to contact me:
Use KiK: SaraBruun74
Messenger:  Sara Bruun

You are welcome to follow my Instagram, but I don't add you on Facebook.

Best regards,
Sara Bruun

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