måndag 21 oktober 2019

Create your own Mix-tape!

Creating mixtapes is a big thing in the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower.  Today I want you to create your own mixtape. During the lesson, I will show you how you create a mixtape in www.kaseta.co
To show you an example I created a mixtape for my daughter. Click on the picture below to listen to the mixtape.

1. Read the instructions in picture number 2.
2. Who would you like to give your mixtape? (Remember that you are going to show your friends and talk about your mixtape so don't make it too personal if you aren't comfortable with it.)
3. Create your mixtape!
Go to Chrome Webstore and add the Kaseta extension (tillägg till Chrome).
(You have to finish your mixtape as homework and hand in the link to me in Google classroom. Dead-line: Friday the 9th of November)


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