söndag 18 oktober 2020

Matilda week 43

 This week will continue reading Matilda. 

1. I will read chapters 3 and 4 to you. 

2. You answer the questions below in Google Classroom. 

 Who is: 
a  Matilda
b  Mr. Wormwood
c  Mrs. Phelps

a What can Matilda do at the age of one and a half?
b What can Matilda do at the age of three?
c What can Matilda do at the age of four?
d Why does Mrs. Phelps watch Matilda with surprise and excitement?
e Why doesn’t Mr. Wormwood want Matilda to read books?

Do you think Mr. Wormwood is a good father? Why or why not?  
(Föräldrainfo: 7B hann hit till punkt 3, då de var på dans under torsdagen v. 43. Vi gör klart punkt 4 efter lovet. )

Read chapters 5 and 6 individually. 
While you are reading I want you to write down quotes and then comment your thoughts in a webtool called SeeSaw . During the lesson on Tuesday, I will show you how to do it. Remember to bring your computer! You will speak English and record your voice and only I will listen to you. In the picture below you can see the instructions that will appear in SeeSaw. The recording will be just a few minutes so nothing to worry about. 

/ Sara 

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