måndag 12 februari 2024

Valentine's day

1. Can you match each idiom to its meaning?

___ 1. Pull your heartstrings A. In the middle or main part

___ 2. Cold-hearted                      B. Have memorized

___ 3. Give your heart C. Make you emotional

___ 4. Apple of my eye D. Be a good, kind person

___ 5. Only have eyes for E. Love and commit to someone

___ 6. Have a heart of gold F. Do what you feel is right

___ 7. Follow your heart G. Only love one person

___ 8. Know by heart H. Extreme emotional pain

___ 9. Broken heart I. Beloved thing or person

___ 10. In the heart of J. Cruel and unfeeling 

2. Watch the video:

* How many of you have had a crush before? 
* What does it feel like when you have a crush?

3. In your groups - talk about: 

* How is the red-haired boy feeling at the start of the film? Why? 
* What is his heart telling him to do? Why is he afraid to do this? 
* What is the dark-haired boy feeling at the start of the film? Why? 
 * Describe the film in your own words. What happened?
* Which character is your favourite? Why? 
* How does the film make you feel? 
* Which emotions do you think it is easy to talk about? Which are hard? 

4. Create your own word art for someone who means a lot to you! 

 Go to Wordart.com and write the words that you would like to add to your piece of art! 
You can change shape and colour - just play with it and try. I will show you how to do it. 
When you are done- show me and if you want to we can print it and you may give it to the person you have chosen!

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