torsdag 9 januari 2025

Superheroes and Superpowers

 Superheroes and Superpowers

          (If you are a teacher and find this theme you need to know that I plan about 5 weeks for it. In the blog, you find the whole theme. During class I take parts of it and give instructions in Google Classroom.) 

You don’t need a cape, a mask, or disguise,
The power you seek is right there inside.
Courage and kindness are your greatest tools,
In a world full of chaos, compassion rules.
Be the hero you dream of; start here, start now,
With love in your heart, take your hero’s vow.

- Do you know the superheroes? 

First of all, I would like to know if you know the Swedish meaning of the words we will work with. 
Paper and pencils! Which alternative is correct? A, B or C? 

Before we move on we will look at some words and play Quizlet live. 

  1. Courageous - Modig
  2. Strong - Stark
  3. Fast - Snabb
  4. Intelligent - Intelligent
  5. Quick-thinking - Snabb i tanken
  6. Empathetic - Empatisk, förstå andra människors känslor
  7. Just - Rättvis
  8. Enduring - Uthållig
  9. Self-controlled - Självkontrollerad
  10. Determined - Beslutsam
  11. Brave - Hjältemodig
  12. Loyal - Lojal, man är pålitlig, "bror"
  13. Honest - Ärlig
  14. Resourceful - Påhittig, uppfinningsrik 
  15. Compassionate - Medkännande, man vill hjälpa andra som har det svårt
  16. Optimistic - Optimistisk, tror att framtiden blir bra. Det ordnar sig!
  17. Patient - Tålmodig, kunna hantera svåra situationer utan att bli irriterad
  18. Creative - Kreativ, komma på nya ideér 
  19. Independent - Självständig
  20. Hardworking - Arbetsam
  21. Reliable - Pålitlig
  22. Disciplined - Disciplinerad
  23. Humble - Ödmjuk, inte överdriva sina förmågor, visa respekt för andra
  24. Fair - Rättvis
  25. Generous - Generös, delar gärna med sig tex av tid, pengar, känslor. Vill hjälpa andra
What makes a superhero powerful? 
Discuss in pairs and decide which traits (egenskaper) are important for a superhero. 

Idiomatic expressions 

An idiomatic expression is a phrase whose meaning differs from the literal interpretation of the individual words. It often has a cultural or figurative meaning that native speakers understand but can be confusing for non-native speakers.

For example, "kick the bucket" means "to die," not literally kicking a bucket.

When it comes to superheroes, idiomatic expressions can be used to describe their actions or characteristics in a creative, figurative way. For example:

  • "Save the day" means solving a problem or fixing a situation, similar to what superheroes do when they defeat villains and protect the world.
  • "Bite the bullet" means to endure a difficult situation, like a superhero facing a tough challenge to save others.
Below there are idiomatic expressions that I would like you to learn: 
    Save the day – Rädda situationen
    The superhero arrived just in time to save the day. (Manage to make it successful.)
    (Superhjälten kom precis i tid för att rädda situationen.)

    Take a leap of faith – Våga lita på 
    He had to take a leap of faith and trust his new superpower.
    (Han var tvungen att våga lita på sin nya superkraft.)

    Face the music – Ta konsekvenserna
    After failing his mission, he had to face the music.
    (Efter att ha misslyckats med sitt uppdrag var han tvungen att ta konsekvenserna.)

    Rise to the occasion – Klara av utmaningen
    When the city was in danger, the hero rose to the occasion.
    (När staden var i fara klarade hjälten av utmaningen.)

    Bite the bullet – Bita ihop, kämpa
    The hero had to bite the bullet and enter the villain’s lair.
    (Hjälten var tvungen att bita ihop och gå in i skurkens gömställe.)

    Go the extra mile – Göra det lilla extra
    She always goes the extra mile to help those in need.
    (Hon gör alltid det lilla extra för att hjälpa de som behöver det.)

    Throw in the towel – Kasta in handduken, ge upp
    Even when things got tough, the hero refused to throw in the towel.
    (Även när det blev tufft vägrade hjälten att kasta in handduken. (Ge upp)

    Keep your chin up – Håll huvudet högt, vara stolt 
    He told her to keep her chin up after their first defeat.
    (Han sa åt henne att hålla huvudet högt efter deras första nederlag.)

    Break the ice – Bryta isen, lätta upp stämningen
    The hero broke the ice by cracking a joke before the battle.
    (Hjälten bröt isen genom att dra ett skämt före striden.)

    Burn the midnight oil – Jobba sent på natten
    The scientist burned the midnight oil to create the hero’s new suit.
    (Forskaren jobbade sent på natten för att skapa hjältens nya dräkt.)

    Have a heart of gold – Ha ett hjärta av guld, vara snäll och omtänksam 
    The superhero may be tough, but he has a heart of gold.
    (Superhjälten kanske är tuff, men han har ett hjärta av guld.)

    Hold the fort – Hålla ställningarna, ansvara för
    The sidekick held the fort while the hero went on a mission.
    (Medhjälparen höll ställningarna medan hjälten var ute på uppdrag.)

    Fight fire with fire – Bekämpa eld med eld, slå tillbaka med samma mynt, samma sak
    To defeat the villain, he had to fight fire with fire.
    (För att besegra skurken var han tvungen att bekämpa eld med eld.)

    Out of the blue – Helt oväntat, som en blixt från en klar himmel 
    The superhero appeared out of the blue to save them.
    (Superhjälten dök upp som en blixt från en klar himmel för att rädda dem.)

    The sky’s the limit – Det finns inga gränser
    With her new powers, the sky’s the limit for what she can achieve.
    (Med sina nya krafter finns det inga gränser för vad hon kan uppnå.)


måndag 18 november 2024



Work in pairs

In front of you, you have different dialogues.

Read the dialogues and help each other understand them. 

Continue the conversation with at least 5 more sentences. 

Write your sentences in your notebook.

Show Sara what you have written.

Practice so you know your lines by heart. 

Act it out! 

1. The Missing Homework

Teacher: Why didn’t you do your homework?
Student: My dog ate it.
Teacher: Again? That’s the third time this week!
Student: He really loves learning.
Teacher: (laughs) What do you think your dog will eat next?
Student: Hmm… maybe…

2. The Talking Parrot

Friend 1: Did you hear about my new parrot?
Friend 2: No, what’s special about it?
Friend 1: It speaks five languages!
Friend 2: Wow! What does it say?
Friend 1: Mostly “I’m hungry!”
Friend 2: What would you teach it to say next?
Friend 1: I think I’d teach it to say...

3. The Birthday Cake

Customer: Excuse me, I ordered a birthday cake, but it’s wrong.
Baker: What’s wrong?
Customer: It says, “Happy Dirt Day” instead of “Happy Birthday”!
Baker: Oh no! What should we do now?
Customer: Hmm, maybe we can…

4. The Lost Phone

Friend 1: I lost my phone yesterday.
Friend 2: Oh no! Where did you see it last?
Friend 1: I think I left it in the fridge.
Friend 2: The fridge?! Why?
Friend 1: I was… well… what would you do if you lost your phone?

5. The Robot Waiter

Customer: Excuse me, my robot waiter just brought me a shoe instead of my dinner.
Waiter (Robot Voice): Error. Shoe equals food.
Customer: No, no, I want pizza!
Waiter: Pizza not available. Would you like…?

6. The New Neighbour

Person 1: I think my new neighbour is a spy.
Person 2: A spy? Why do you think that?
Person 1: They always wear sunglasses… even at night!
Person 2: That’s strange. What else have you noticed?
Person 1: Well, yesterday I saw…

7. The Alien at School

Friend 1: Did you see the new student?
Friend 2: Yes, but they’re… different.
Friend 1: I think they might be an alien.
Friend 2: An alien? Why?
Friend 1: They don’t eat food. They just…

8. The Time Machine

Friend 1: Guess what? I built a time machine!
Friend 2: What? Really? Where will you go first?
Friend 1: I’m going to visit the dinosaurs.
Friend 2: That’s dangerous! What if…?
Friend 1: Hmm, good point. Maybe I should go to…

9. The Talking Dog

Friend 1: You won’t believe it—I saw a dog talking today!
Friend 2: A talking dog? What did it say?
Friend 1: It said, “Stop staring at me!”
Friend 2: (laughs) That’s crazy! What would you ask it if you could talk to it?
Friend 1: Hmm… I think I’d ask…

10. The Floating Chair

Person 1: My chair just started floating in the air!
Person 2: Floating? Are you serious?
Person 1: Yes! Look, it’s up by the ceiling now.
Person 2: That’s so weird. What do you think is causing it?
Person 1: Maybe it’s because…

11. The Invisible Friend

Friend 1: My best friend is invisible.
Friend 2: Invisible? How do you know they’re real?
Friend 1: They help me with my homework!
Friend 2: (laughs) If I had an invisible friend, I’d ask them to…

12. The Magic Pencil

Friend 1: I found a pencil that writes by itself.
Friend 2: No way! What does it write?
Friend 1: It wrote, “I’m hungry. Feed me.”
Friend 2: (laughs) What do you feed a pencil?
Friend 1: I don’t know! Maybe I’ll try…

13. The Loud Neighbour

Person 1: My neighbour plays music so loud I can’t sleep.
Person 2: That’s annoying. What kind of music?
Person 1: Heavy metal at midnight!
Person 2: Wow. What would you say to them?
Person 1: I think I’d say…

söndag 10 november 2024


 Matilda - Roald Dahl 

What do you think the book will be about? 
Have you ever heard about Roald Dahl?

Roald Dahl is a very famous author. Perhaps you have watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johnny Depp?

He is also the author of the book that we are going to read: Matilda.

1. First of all, work on your own and write down 5 words that you think of when you see the cover of the book.
2. Compare your words with your neighbour - which words are the same and which are not?
Be prepared to tell the whole class about your thoughts.

Before we start reading - discuss the questions below with your neighbour. Take notes since I want you to be able to tell the whole class as well. 

1. Do you remember how old you were when you started reading?
2. What was the first book that you read and what was it about?
3. Do you remember your first day at school, when you were 6-7 years old? What happened and how did you feel?

Before reading! 

1. Quizlet / Quizlet live. We will take a look at some words that you will find in the text. 
First of all, work individually and if it works... we will try Quizlet live! 

2. I will read the first chapters to you. 
3. You listen and underline words you don't understand. 
4. Together we will collect words and I will help you understand them. 

After reading chapters 1-4 :
Go to Trelson and answer the questions below: 

1. Describe who the person is: 
a  Matilda
b  Mr. Wormwood
c  Mrs. Phelps

a What can Matilda do at the age of one and a half?
b What can Matilda do at the age of three?
c What can Matilda do at the age of four?
d Why does Mrs. Phelps watch Matilda with surprise and excitement?
e Why doesn’t Mr. Wormwood want Matilda to read books?

Do you think Mr. Wormwood is a good father? Why or why not? Write 3-5 sentences and motivate your opinions. 

4. "But that's dishonest, daddy," Matilda said. "It's cheating." 

What does Matilda mean? Why is her dad being dishonest? 

5.  Tell me 2 things that you liked about the chapters? 
2 things that you disliked? 
Do you have any questions? Anything you didn't understand?

Before reading chapters 5-6 

  • What would you do if someone underestimated or mistreated you because you were young?
  • What does it mean to be clever in a way that surprises others?

  • Together we will read chapters 4-6

    In pairs answer the questions below: 
    Both of you write your answers in Trelson, but you may also talk to and help each other. 

    a How old is Matilda when she goes to school for the first time? 
    b How many children does Crunchem Hall have? 
    c How many other children are in Matilda’s group? 
    d How old is Miss Honey?
    How many miles are Miss Trunchbull’s car on the clock?
    h How old is Hortensia?
    i How many times was Hortensia in The Chokey in her first year? 
    k Why does Matilda start going to school later than other children?
    l Why does Miss Honey try to stay calm when Matilda multiplies twelve sevens? 
    m Why does Miss Honey go to see Miss Trunchbull?
    n Why does Miss Trunchbull like Mr Wormwood? …
    o Why does Miss Trunchbull think Matilda is a bad girl? … 
    p Why does Miss Honey go to see Matilda’s parents? … 
    q Why doesn’t Mr Wormwood want to see Miss Honey? … 
    r Why does Miss Trunchbull put children in The Chokey? …
    s Why doesn’t Miss Trunchbull like Amanda’s hair? …
    t Why does Miss Trunchbull make Bruce eat the cake? 

    Let's finish the book! 
    Read chapters 7-9. 

    Final assignment
    First, plan your essay. Create a mind map. 
    Show Sara! 
    Then go to Trelson and write your essay. Write at least 150 words, size 12. 

    1. Standing Up for What’s Right
    Matilda often stands up against unfairness. Write about a moment in the book where she showed bravery. Would you have done the same thing? Why or why not? 
    Have you ever stood up for someone or something? What happened? 

    2. The Perfect Teacher
    Miss Honey is described as kind and caring. What qualities make her a good teacher? Do you think she is the perfect teacher? Why or why not?
    What is a perfect teacher for you? Explain, give examples and motivate your opinions. 

    3. Your Own Ending
    Imagine a different ending for Matilda. What would happen to Matilda, Miss Honey, and miss Trunchbull? Write about your new version of the ending i.e. write a new last chapter! 

    söndag 3 november 2024

    The US Election

    How the US Election Works

    In the United States, people vote to choose their leaders. Every four years, Americans pick a new president in a big election. The process can seem complicated, so here’s a simple way to understand it.

    1. **The Candidates**

    First, different people want to be president. These people usually belong to political parties. The two main parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. Each party picks one person to be their candidate.

    2. **Primaries and Caucuses**

    The candidates compete in smaller elections called primaries and caucuses. These help each party choose who will be their final candidate for president.

    3. **Campaigns**

    Once the final candidates are chosen, they start campaigning. This means they travel around the country to share their ideas and try to win people’s votes. They give speeches, make ads, and have debates to show why they would be the best president.

    4. **Voting Day**

    On the first Tuesday in November, people go to vote. But the US uses a system called the Electoral College, which is a bit different from just counting everyone’s votes.

    5. **The Electoral College**

    The US has 50 states, and each state has a certain number of *electoral votes* based on its population. Bigger states like California have more votes, while smaller states like Wyoming have fewer. When people in a state vote, they’re actually choosing *electors* who will vote for the president. The candidate who gets the most votes in a state usually wins all the *electoral votes* from that state.

    6. **Winning the Election**

    To win the presidency, a candidate needs a majority of the electoral votes. There are 538 total electoral votes, and a candidate needs 270 to win. Once someone gets 270 votes, they become the next president.

    7. **The New President**

    After the election, the new president starts their job in January. This is called *Inauguration Day*, and it’s when they officially take office and start leading the country.

    **Word List**

    - Candidate – A person who wants to be elected to a job, like president.

    - Political Party – A group of people with similar ideas about how the government should be run (e.g., Democrats, Republicans).

    - Primary and Caucus – Small elections to help parties pick their final candidate.

    - Campaign – Efforts by candidates to promote themselves and gain support from voters.

    - Vote – To make a choice in an election.

    - Electoral College – A special system in the US where each state has a certain number of votes based on its population.

    - Elector – A person chosen by voters in each state to cast the electoral votes for president.

    - Electoral Vote – A vote given by each state’s electors for a candidate.

    - Inauguration Day – The day when the new president officially starts their job.

    Trump vs Harris - what do they want? 

    Help in Swedish: 

    Hur valet i USA fungerar

    I USA röstar folk för att välja sina ledare. Vart fjärde år väljer amerikanerna en ny president i ett stort val. Processen kan verka komplicerad, så här är en enkel förklaring.

    1. Kandidaterna
      Först vill olika personer bli president. Dessa personer tillhör oftast politiska partier. De två största partierna är Demokraterna och Republikanerna. Varje parti väljer en person som sin kandidat.

    2. Primärval och nomineringsmöten
      Kandidaterna tävlar i mindre val som kallas primärval och nomineringsmöten. Dessa hjälper varje parti att välja vem som blir deras slutgiltiga kandidat för president.

    3. Kampanjer
      När de slutgiltiga kandidaterna är valda börjar de kampanja. Det betyder att de reser runt i landet för att dela sina idéer och försöka vinna folkets röster. De håller tal, gör reklam och har debatter för att visa varför de skulle bli den bästa presidenten.

    4. Valdagen
      Den första tisdagen i november går folk för att rösta. Men USA använder ett system som kallas Electoral College, vilket är lite annorlunda än att bara räkna allas röster.

    5. Electoral College
      USA har 50 delstater, och varje delstat har ett visst antal elektorsröster baserat på sin befolkning. Större delstater som Kalifornien har fler röster, medan mindre delstater som Wyoming har färre. När folk i en delstat röstar, väljer de faktiskt elektorer som ska rösta på presidenten. Den kandidat som får flest röster i en delstat vinner vanligtvis alla elektorsröster från den delstaten.

    6. Att vinna valet
      För att vinna presidentvalet behöver en kandidat en majoritet av elektorsrösterna. Det finns totalt 538 elektorsröster, och en kandidat behöver 270 för att vinna. När någon får 270 röster blir de nästa president.

    7. Den nya presidenten
      Efter valet börjar den nya presidenten sitt jobb i januari. Detta kallas Inauguration Day, och det är då de officiellt tar sin plats och börjar leda landet.


    • Kandidat – En person som vill bli vald till ett jobb, som president.
    • Politiskt parti – En grupp människor med liknande idéer om hur regeringen ska styras (t.ex. Demokraterna, Republikanerna).
    • Primärval och nomineringsmöte – Mindre val för att hjälpa partier att välja sin slutgiltiga kandidat.
    • Kampanj – Kandidaternas ansträngningar för att främja sig själva och få stöd från väljarna.
    • Rösta – Att göra ett val i ett val.
    • Electoral College – Ett speciellt system i USA där varje delstat har ett visst antal röster baserat på sin befolkning.
    • Elektor – En person som väljs av väljarna i varje delstat för att lägga elektorsrösterna på en presidentkandidat.
    • Elektorsröst – En röst som ges av varje delstats elektorer till en kandidat.
    • Inauguration Day – Dagen då den nya presidenten officiellt börjar sitt jobb.