tisdag 5 mars 2024


Fairy Tales - Revolting Rhymes

Revolting Rhymes is written by Roald Dahl. Do you know any other books that Roald Dahl has written? 

In your groups talk about: 

- What do you think about this version of Cinderella? 

- Write two things that are special about a fairy tale.

- Do you know any fairy tales? 

- Which fairy tale is your favourite and why?

Let's watch the real story! 

While watching:

- Where does the story take place?

- Which characters can you identify? 

-Which characters are good and which are evil? 

Do you know what a Venn diagram is? 
You can see one in the picture below. It is a diagram that helps you compare things. 

In your groups: 
- Compare the two Cinderella stories. 
- Which differences can you see? 
- Which similarities can you see? 

Finally, we will talk about which differences and similarities you have found. 

/ Sara 

Fairy tales - writing a story together

1. We will, first of all, go through the steps above and try to create a story together in class. 
2. You will now work in groups of three and write your own story. 
Follow the 8 steps. Be creative! Help each other! 
3. When you start writing you can use the picture below to help you structure your text:  

4. You also have this TEMPLATE to follow: How to write a fairytale.

Remember that a fairy tale always starts with: 
Once upon a time... 

4. When you have written in groups you will then write individually so pay attention and learn how to do it! 

Text processing 

In front of you, you have the fairy tales that you have written. The fairy tales are anonymous.
This is what you do with the text that you get: 
1. Read the text in pairs. 
Check if the text has a: 
* hero
* villain 
*something magical 
* a problem 
* a solution to the problem 
Use the template if you need to: How to write a fairy tale 
2. Underline and comment directly on the paper. 
3. Check if the text:
* has correct punctuation (punkt och stor bokstav, rätt skiljetecken)
* has a dash (talstreck) and then a new line when someone is talking 
* is written in the past tense. Are all the verb forms in the past tense? 
4. Remember to comment nicely and help each other. 
5. Show Sara what you have commented. 
6. You will now get your own text with comments back. 
7. Go to Trelson and click on Feedback. You can now read detailed feedback from Sara. 
8. Check the comments on your paper. Do Sara's and your friends' comments match? 
9. Click on "Öppna uppgift" and now improve your text. 

Practice and learn how to use punctuation marks 
1. In the text below I have removed all punctuation marks. When I read your texts I realised that you need to learn and practice how to use: the full stop, question mark, exclamation mark, dash and new line. (punkt, stor boktstav, frågetecken, utropstecken, talstreck och ny rad)
2. You will get the text on paper and fix it by adding the punctuation marks by hand. 
3. Show Sara. 
4. You will now get the text again with all the punctuation marks added again. Compare the texts and fix your text! 
5. Show Sara when you are done! 

måndag 26 februari 2024



Once - lesson 1

Lesson 1 Monday

What do you think about the quote above? Do you agree or disagree?
Can you think of a memory when you felt really happy?

1. Think about it on your own, for a few minutes
and then talk about your memories in your groups.

You can find the sentences in the picture above in the book we will read.
Take a look at the cover of the book: 

What do you think the book will be about?

2. Before we start listening we need to take a look at some words:

Do you know what an orphanage is?
I almost caused a riot - What did he almost do?
Who is the Virgin Mary and The Pope? 
What is a nun?

We are going to listen to the first chapter together in class. 

Together in the group, I want you to discuss and answer the questions below. Help each other!

Lesson 2 

1. Answer the questions in the document named ONCE- questions
2. Go to the Reading log and fill out the form. 
3. Copy the chat and past it in the document ONCE- questions. 
4. Hand in both the Reading log and ONCE- questions.

The questions 
* Before you answer the questions - always go to the "Text and thought" first and make sure you have taken notes while reading. 

Reading Log - text and thought

Go to the Reading Log in Classroom and write down a quote and your thoughts.

You find the READING LOG here as well. Make your own copy!

* Answer the questions in the document "Questions" in Classroom.

Chapters 1-2

 Describe and discuss your first impressions of Felix and Mother Minka.

 - What do you think they look like?

 - What kind of persons are they?

- Where is Felix and why?

-How old do you think he is?

2. Why was it so special that Felix found a whole carrot in his soup?

 ‘Once I stayed awake all night, waiting for Mum and Dad to arrive.’ 

3. What does this quote mean to Felix?

4. Why is Felix’s notebook so important to him? Identify 4 things this notebook symbolizes.

5. Do you think Felix will ever meet his parents again? Motivate your opinion

Chapter 3 (page 18)
 “Once I saw a customer, years ago, damaging books in Mum and Dad’s shop. Tearing pages out. Screwing them up. Shouting things I couldn’t understand.” 

1. Identify two things that make Felix worried and explain how his thinking starts to change. Back our thoughts with quotes from the text.
2. Felix has plans to help his mother and father. What are they, and what motivates him to take action? 

Chapter 4 (page 29)
 “Once I escaped from an orphanage in the mountains and I didn’t have to do any of the things you do in escape stories.” 
1. List some of the reasons Felix thinks he is lucky. List things you think he could complain about. 
2. What indications are there—recognized or missed by Felix—that something is terribly wrong? What explanations does Felix come up with to make sense of things?

 Chapter 5 (page 41)
 “Once I walked all night and all the next day except for a short sleep in a forest and all night again and then I was home.” 
1. Contrast Felix’s dreams with the reality of what he discovers when he makes it home. 2. Describe the different emotions he experiences. 

Chapter 6 (page 53)
 “Once I walked as fast as I could towards the city to find Mum and Dad and I didn’t let anything stop me. Not until the fire.” 

1. What changes have taken place in and how do they influence his actions? 
2. How does Felix control his anxiety?

Chapter 7 (page 62)
 “Once I woke up and I was at home in bed. Dad was reading me a story about a boy who got left in an orphanage. Mum came in with some carrot soup. They both promised they’d never leave me anywhere. We hugged and hugged.” 

1. What are the meanings of the armbands? What do Felix’s predictions about the future signify? 
 2. How does Felix answer his own question, “Why would the Nazis make people suffer like this just for the sake of some books?” (page 70) Why is this the turning point?

 Chapter 8 (page 72) 
“Once I spent about six hours telling stories to Zelda, to keep her spirits up, to keep my spirits up, to keep our legs moving as we trudged through the rain toward the city.” 

1. Why does Felix go from six hours of storytelling to keep Zelda’s spirits up to the point where he suddenly hasn’t got any more stories (page 80)? 
2. How do Felix and Zelda manage to survive?

Chapter 9 (page 81)
 “Once I lay in the street in tears, because the Nazis are everywhere and no grown-ups can protect kids from them, not Mum and Dad, not Mother Minka, not Father Ludwik, not God, not Jesus, not the Virgin Mary, not the Pope, not Adolf Hitler.”

 1. Explain what Barney is doing. What sort of person do you think he is? What does he represent?
 2. What impact does the realization that no one can protect the children have on Felix? 

Chapter 10 (page 91) 
“Once I was living in a cellar in a Nazi city with seven other kids when I shouldn’t have been.”
 1. Use an example of Felix’s behaviour or “self-talk” to illustrate his unusual degree of maturity and self-awareness. Explain your reasoning. 
2. What story “saved his life,” and what connections does he finally make? 

Chapter 11 (page 99) 
“Once I escaped from an underground hiding place by telling a story. It was a bit exaggerated. It was a bit fanciful. It was my imagination getting a bit carried away.” 

1. What lengths does Felix go to when trying to “escape”? How does Barney handle it? 
2. What does Felix discover about Barney, and how does Barney make Felix help him?

 Chapter 12 (page 112)
 “Once a dentist stopped me from asking a Nazi officer about my parents and I was really mad at him.” 

1. Why did Barney stop Felix from asking about his parents? Why do he and Felix decide that Zelda needs to know the truth? 
 2. Describe the range of reactions the children are showing as a result of the traumas each has suffered. How do you feel about the stories shared by the children?

 Chapter 13 (page 121) 
“Once I told Zelda a story that made her cry, so I lay on her sack with her for hours and hours until she fell asleep.” 
1. Analyze Barney’s gesture of giving Felix new boots. What does he mean by what he says to Felix on page 122? What other “good things” does Felix seem to think he’s got, and what can you see in him that is good (e.g., his hope and optimism)? 
2. Felix makes a terrible discovery in the chapter and Barney is forced to tell him some awful truths about what is going on. What is Felix torn between as he tries to take it all in? 

Chapter 14 (page 132)
 “Once I loved stories and now I hate them.” 
1. Describe Felix’s state of mind as this chapter opens. Describe your own feelings as you read about his close shaves and what he discovers upon returning to his hideout.
 2. The importance of books is emphasized in this chapter. Felix’s favorite gets him into terrible danger, but other books save him. What do books symbolize and mean for Felix? 

Chapter 15 (page 144)
 “Once the Nazis found our cellar. They dragged us all out and made us walk through the ghetto while they pointed guns at us.” 
1. Barney and Zelda wouldn’t go. Why not? Think of three more reasons. 
2. What is important to Felix as they head to the railway station? What is important to the others as they are tossed aboard the train? 

Chapter 16 (page 153) 
“Once I went on my first train journey, but I wouldn’t call it exciting—I’d call it painful and miserable.”
 1. Once again, a book becomes a saviour of sorts. Explain how. What is the significance of the fact that Felix is willing to use—and virtually lose—his notebook? 
2. What choice and possible outcomes does the hole in the carriage create for the people inside? 

Chapter 17 (page 162)
 “Once I lay in a field somewhere in Poland, not sure if I was alive or dead.”
 1. Felix feels fortunate: “However my story turns out, I’ll never forget how lucky I am” (page 163). What is your explanation for this? 
2. Knowing Felix as you do by the end of the novel, how do you think his story might continue?

Final writing assignment
Imagine that you are an adult and that a teacher has asked you to write a personal narrative to tell her 15-year-old students what you have been through. 

Choose one of the following assignments:
Write between 150 and 600 words, size 12. 
Text type: personal narrative 

1. You are Felix, the main character of the book Once. You are now an adult.  You tell them what happened to you when you were a child. Pick 2-4 situations and describe how they have affected you as an adult.
2. You are a Jewish survivor and you tell them what you have been through. Pick 2-4  situations from the book and describe how they have affected you to become the person you are today.
3. You are an ex-soldier, who didn't agree with Hitler during the war. Pick 2-4 situations from the book and describe what you were forced to do and how you felt about that.

To prepare, take a look at the template below on how to write a personal narrative. Remember to show and don't tell! 

When I was a child my parents needed to leave me at an orphanage. My family are Jewish and... 
I never wanted to be a soldier but I had to. I had no choice. 

lördag 24 februari 2024

WONDER by RJ Palacio

Before we dive into the book Wonder I would like to know how many of you have read a whole novel before? 

Have you read a book in Swedish? Have you read a book in English? 

Log in to Menti.com and answer the questions there. They are anonymous. 


We will read a book called WONDER which is written by RJ Palacio. 


Let’s take a look at some words from the chapters we are going to read.

  1. TO STARE: to look at somebody/something for a long time

  2. ORDINARY: normal

  3. TO BE PETRIFIED: to be very scared

  4. SURGERY: operation

  5. HOMESCHOOL: when kids are educated at home instead of at school. 

  6. TO FAINT: feeling weak and tired and likely to become unconscious

  7. WHISPER: to speak very quietly

  8.  LIKE A LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER: used to describe people who are going to do something dangerous without realizing it

  9. A WALK IN THE PARK: to describe something as easy

  10. ANOMALY: not following what is normal

  11. MUSHED-UP:  deformed

  12. IN HINDSIGHT: the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened and that means you would have done things in a different way

  13. TUSH: backside. The part of the body that you sit on

I will read chapters 1- 5 and you will listen and follow in the text while I am reading. 

After reading: 

1. Reading Log - text and thought

Go to the Reading Log in Classroom and write down a quote and your thoughts.

You find the READING LOG here as well. Make your own copy!

2. Open Trelson from the web and answer the questions below. 
Just a few sentences per question are fine! 

  1. Why do people look quickly away when they first see August?

  2. What are you thinking Auggie looks like?  Explain.

  3. What would August wish for?

  4. How does Auggie feel about starting fifth grade at a real school?  Why?

  5. Why has Auggie been homeschooled?

  6. Would you send August to school if you were his mom or dad?  Explain why or why not.

  7. What do you think and feel hearing that the doctor fainted after delivering Auggie?

  8. What does Auggie’s mom remember most about seeing Auggie for the first time?

  9. How do Auggie’s parents use humour to make Auggie’s situation easier?

  10. Are white lies okay? Explain

If you aren't in class you can listen to the book here:

You can listen to the book here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_xZWu_eILE&t=12s 

Book talk 

Now we have finished the book.

In groups, you are going to talk about the book and record your discussions. Go to Trelson and click on record. 


1. The one who lives closest to the school will start dealing a card by clicking on the card. 

You read the question out loud and make sure everyone understands. You give your opinion and answer the question on the card. 

You turn to the person that is on your left-hand side and ask a follow-up question. Does he/she agree? Why/why not? 

2. The next person clicks on a card, reads the question, and says his/her opinion. Turn to the person on your left-hand side and ask a follow-up question... 

3. Move on like this until you have talked about all the cards. 

An interactive book circle

When you click on the link Book Circle - Wordwall you will find 25 playing cards with different questions that you will use to discuss the book you have read.

Click on DEAL to get a new card to talk about. 

When you have talked about all the questions - let me know. I will then slump three of the questions that I would you to talk about again. This time I will be there and listen to your discussion. 


1. Imagine that you are August. 
- Write a letter to one of the other characters in the book. 
- Choose something that happened in the book that you would like to "talk about" to the other person. 
- Describe what happened and where you were and what you would like to change or that you or the other person would have done differently. 
-Write about 150-500 words, size 12 

- How to write a letter! 

Always start a letter with : 

Dear XX, 


End your letter with: 

All the best, 


Best regards,


måndag 12 februari 2024

Valentine's day

1. Can you match each idiom to its meaning?

___ 1. Pull your heartstrings A. In the middle or main part

___ 2. Cold-hearted                      B. Have memorized

___ 3. Give your heart C. Make you emotional

___ 4. Apple of my eye D. Be a good, kind person

___ 5. Only have eyes for E. Love and commit to someone

___ 6. Have a heart of gold F. Do what you feel is right

___ 7. Follow your heart G. Only love one person

___ 8. Know by heart H. Extreme emotional pain

___ 9. Broken heart I. Beloved thing or person

___ 10. In the heart of J. Cruel and unfeeling 

2. Watch the video:

* How many of you have had a crush before? 
* What does it feel like when you have a crush?

3. In your groups - talk about: 

* How is the red-haired boy feeling at the start of the film? Why? 
* What is his heart telling him to do? Why is he afraid to do this? 
* What is the dark-haired boy feeling at the start of the film? Why? 
 * Describe the film in your own words. What happened?
* Which character is your favourite? Why? 
* How does the film make you feel? 
* Which emotions do you think it is easy to talk about? Which are hard? 

4. Create your own word art for someone who means a lot to you! 

 Go to Wordart.com and write the words that you would like to add to your piece of art! 
You can change shape and colour - just play with it and try. I will show you how to do it. 
When you are done- show me and if you want to we can print it and you may give it to the person you have chosen!

söndag 21 januari 2024

Getting to know you

 Getting to know you! 

We will start with a short speaking activity! You will get a handout with a lot of different questions.

1. Walk around the classroom and try to find someone who can answer yes to the questions on your handout. 

You have to make questions out of the text on your card: 
Do you like spicy food? 
Are you born in January? 

2. Before you start you have to make sure you understand the words on the card. We will talk about them in class. 

When you find a friend who can answer your question - write his or her name in the square. 

3. When you have five in a row - you shout: BINGO and let the rest of the class know the answers. 

Perhaps; Ludvig plays Fortnite every day, Sara has won a contest, Ellen is an only child, Malin hasn't had breakfast today and Hugo can play a musical instrument. 

spicy food: stark mat

contest: tävling 

stitches: stygn (om man har skadat sig) 

argued with: bråkat med 


Speaking activity

1.  Read the questions below in pairs and help each other understand them. 
While reading, take notes if you need to.

  • Where is your happy place? Where do you love to be? 
  • What is something you like about yourself? 
  • What is your favourite story (book or movie)?
  • Why is it your favourite story?
  • Do you consider yourself an introvert, an extrovert, or a mix? Explain.
  • What is one thing you wish you had more time for in your life?
  • What do you do to relax?
  • When you are not at school, what do you spend most of your time doing?
  • If you could only listen to one genre/type of music for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • Think about the best lesson you’ve ever had. What made that lesson so special? 
  • What are you good at in school? What are you good at outside school? 
  • Think about the coming term. What are your expectations?
2. Choose 5 of the questions to talk about. 
Prepare by writing some supportive words so you know what to talk about. 
You just need to say a few sentences per question, which means that the video will be about 2- 4 minutes long. 

3. Go to a quiet place, open your Chromebook and apps in the bottom left corner. Choose Camera and Video. Click record and record yourself while telling me what you think about the questions above. 

4. Go to your files and change the name of the film you have recorded to your own name. Click on camera, right-click and scroll down to change the name. Use your own name as the name of the file. 

5. Go to Google Classroom and upload your film. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any problems recording or uploading. Use Teams to contact me. 
/ Sara