söndag 30 september 2018

The Perks of being a Wallflower - after reading part 3


Charlie's parents went away from home and his brother decided to "use the opportunity to throw a big party with beer and everything". 

  1. What happened at the party?
  2. What did Charlie see?
  3. What would you have done if you were Charlie? 
  4. Charlie and Sam agreed that Dave raped his girlfriend at the party. She said no many times, but when is a ”no” really a NO?
We will watch the videos below together in class. After watching the films I want you to, individually, write two sentences in menti.com that came to your mind when watching.  

Dear Dad (English) - Short film from Jakob Strom on Vimeo.

Homework for next time: 

Make sure you have read chapter 4 and 5 before we start the lesson.

Challenge: Go to Flipgrid and upload a short video where you tell the Flipgrip community your thoughts about the film Dear Dad.  Remember that Flipgrid is public and that anyone that is a Flipgrid member is able to watch and comment.

/ Sara 

tisdag 25 september 2018

Now is the time for running - after reading chapter 1-2

Go to SeeSaw and talk about the questions below: 

Who is the main character in the book? 
Where and when does the book take place?
 Who is Commander Jesus? What kind of person do you think he is? 
Grandpa Longdrop confronts Commander Jesus and tries to talk to him. Do you think that was correct? 
If you were in Deo's situation what would you have done when you saw Innocent running against the soldiers? 
What do you think will happen to Innocent?

Speak English all the time and answer the questions - maximum 4 minutes! Don't overdo it! / Sara

söndag 16 september 2018

Now is the time for running - before reading

We will today start reading the book: Now is the time for running written by Michael Williams.

                                                    (Picture: amazon.com)

1. What do you think the book will be about? Why do you think there is a barbed wire on the cover of the book?

2. Before we start, we will take a closer look at the vocabulary of the first chapter.

3.  The book takes place in Africa, Zimbabwe.  We will take a closer look at the country via Google Earth

3.  We will read the first chapter together and I will help you. 

4. Homework for Thursday (20/9):

Be able to talk to your friends about the questions below:
Find out:

1. 3 things you didn't know about Zimbabwe
2. What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship?
3. Who is Robert Mugabe? What was his role in Zimbabwe?
4. Learn the words we talked about in the Quizlet above. (Spelling and meaning)

/ Sara


fredag 14 september 2018

The Perks of being a Wallfllower - after reading part 1

We have now read the first part of the book: The Perks of being a Wallflower.

After reading chapter 1

Pgs. 1-40

Work in pairs. Hand in your answers in Google Classroom. Write your names at the top of the page. It is enough for one student to hand in the answers but I want both of you to write.
Share a document.

Mandatory questions:
1, 2, 6, 8, 11, 13
Choose 3 extra questions to answer.

  1. Who is the author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower?
  2. Who do you think Charlie is writing to?  Are there certain age groups/people who listen better than others?
  3. What is the setting of the novel?
  4. What is Charlie’s brother’s name?
  5. What is Charlie’s sister’s name?
  6. Who is Charlie’s “favourite person in the whole world?” Tell me what you know about this person so far.
  7. How did Charlie react to Michael’s suicide?
  8. Describe Charlie’s family.  What is his relationship with the various people in his family?
  9. Who is Susan?  Describe her.
  10. Describe the incident with Sean.
  11. Describe the relationship between Charlie’s sister and her boyfriend.  Is this a healthy relationship?
  12. What happens to Charlie’s sister on the couch?

Homework for Tuesday:
Go to Seesaw and talk about the questions below:

In the book, there is an incident where Charlie's sister gets slapped in the face by her boyfriend. What do you think about this situation?
What would you have done if you were Charlie and saw this happen to your sister?
What do you think about the sister's reaction?
What do you think Charlie should do? Tell his parents, tell the boyfriend, keep quiet or what do you think? Motivate your opinions and try to use the linking words we talked about.

/ Sara

söndag 2 september 2018

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Part 1

The book we will work with for the next few weeks is called: "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and the author is Stephen Chbosky.

When you have watched the trailer above - discuss with your neighbour what you think the book will be about.

Have you ever heard the word "Wallflower"? What do you think the word means?

Take a look at the statements below. Talk to your neighbour about them and take notes if you agree or disagree with the statement. You need to be able to tell the rest of the class about your opinions.

  1. Feeling like you are alone in the world with nowhere to turn to for support is a normal part of being a teenager.
  2. Learning how to make friends is more difficult in secondary school than it is in primary school.
  3. Adults forget what the intensity of a crush is like for a teenager.
  4. The dangers of drug use by teenagers are exaggerated.
  5. Your first serious kiss should be by someone you truly love.
  6. If adults really knew what happened at teenage parties, they would be shocked.
  7. Experiencing new things helps teenagers develop emotionally and intellectually in ways that reading a book can never match.
  8. Getting involved sexually as a teenager can only make your life more confusing and difficult.
  9. Brothers and sisters are closer to one another than parents and their children.

Let's read the first part together in class: http://esl-bits.net/ESL.English.Learning.Audiobooks/Perks/01/default.html

/ Sara