tisdag 26 maj 2015


Tomas will take care of you today! 

He will give you three different sentences. Your task is to create a story from these "crazy" sentences. Write a short story and then use the app TELESTORY to make a tv- show out of your story. 
Work in pairs - both of you need to be active and speak English all the time. 
Save by pressing: Export to camera roll. 

You have to be finished at the end of the lesson. 

/ Sara

torsdag 21 maj 2015

Plickers, verbforms, speaking, game!

We have to practise how to use the verbforms. We are going to use Plickers !

After that are we going to play a game where you will practise speaking.

You will work in groups. If you are born in January you will start.
1. Say a number between 1- 16.
2. The person on your right-hand side takes a look at this picture and reads the instruction. Then he/she talks about his "number".
3. You will find words to help you on the picture
4. Speak English all the time!

tisdag 19 maj 2015

Rubrics - Fanfiction

Before you start writing I want you to take a look below, since it definitely will improve your writing.

As an introduction, before you start writing, you need to give the reader some information.
Answer the questions and then include both questions and answers in your text.

1. Read the wiki on how to write Fanfiction
2. If you need more inspiration you can take a look here. Harry Potter is suddenly in the Titanic! Cross-over

2. Answer the questions 
The Title:
Characters in the story:
Genre: (Adventure, romance, action..?)
 - Time (When does your story take place?)
-  Location (Where does it take place?)
- Current situation (What happens now?)

Describe the characters:
What do you like/dislike about the character?


3. Watch the films.
4. Start writing!
5. Deadline - the first draft: the 29th of May. 

To help you get your story in a chronological order and to help you creating your character/s you could take another look at the video we worked with when we wrote a personal narrative text:

Good Luck!

söndag 17 maj 2015

Finishing the word clouds and writing fanfiction

Today are you first of all going to finish the word clouds you started working with last time.
You collected words from the movie Precious. Save the word clouds and publish them on The colour of the human heart blog.

For Friday I want you to read about how you write Fanfiction. Shortly, you can describe it as:
You pretend to be someone in a famous book or movie and you re-write parts of the story.
You may as well take your favourite character and put in a completely different movie or book. Let's say you put Frodo into Fifty Shades of Grey. What do you think would have happened?

Fanfiction is the last thing you are going to write together with me!

For Friday:
1. Read about Fanfiction
2. Decide what film or book you would like to write about (Pick a famous one!)
3. Decide which character you would like to be
4. Choose your favourite scene in the movie that you would like to re-write
5. Give your character other characteristics - you have examples in the Fanfiction explanation above
6. Re-write the new scene or chapter together - 1-2 A4 pages, size 12. Write in Google Document - share the document with me: sarasv74@gmail.com

1. Linus, William, Philip N

2 . Filip E, Emil

3. Rasmus, Victor C

4. Filip P, Victor SB

5. Naomi, Julia, Filippa

6. Tilda, Johanna J and Saga

7. Victoria, Mira

8. Sarah and Johanna C

torsdag 7 maj 2015

Famous persons - speaking

First of all write down: 
  1. The first name of your favourite movie star - male or female but of the opposite gender to yourself
  2. Your favourite fruit
  3. A number between 1 - 9
  4. The names of vegetables - if you have written number 4 above - you write the names of 4 vegetables. If you have written 5 - you write 5 and so on
  5. A job you don't like
  6. A favourite job you would like to have
  7. A description of your dream house e.g. by the sea, in the mountains - using adjectives to describe this place
  8. Finally, you describe what country you would really like to live in.
NOW - take a look at what you have written above and create your character: 

1. This is your husband's or wife's first name
2. This is your family name
3. The number you have written indicates the number of children you have
4. The names of the vegetables are actually the names of your children
5. This is your job.
6. This is your husband's or wife's job
7. This describes your family house and tells the listener where it is located
8. This last point tells the listener what country you come from.

The characters are now invited to a big party! 
You are going to meet a lot of famous people. 
You have to introduce yourself to at least 5 people in the room. 

Your task will be to tell the rest of the class, which character you found the most interesting talking to! 

/ Sara 

tisdag 5 maj 2015

Weil "sagen" nicht immer passt...

Ibland behöver man använda andra ord för att uttrycka just det där man vill förmedla. Här kommer tips på andra ord för ordet sagen: 

måndag 4 maj 2015


Today are you going to practice speaking.
For Thursday, please choose four different sounds to imitate: Pronunciation. Listen carefully and imitate the sounds and words in the films.

In class, work in pairs. Use the iPad and Garageband to record your discussions. Remember to use Air drop and send the file to me when you are finished.

Discuss the questions below. Help each other! Remember to motivate your answers.

1. What did you think of the short movie we saw yesterday?
2. Do you think that can happen in our school? In our class?
3. What would you have done if you were the girl in the film?
If you were the parent? If you were the teacher?


1. What do you think of when you hear the word "cyberbullying"?
2. What examples of cyberbullying can you think of?
3. Do you think online bullying is worse or not as bad as physical bullying?
4. Is cyberbullying a problem among your friends?
5. What would you do if you or your friends were cyberbullied?
6. How do you think cyberbullying affects the life of those bullied?
7. What responsibilities do the websites have in stopping it?

Watch the video below twice. Try to imitate the man! If you know how to say everything in the video, at the end of this lesson,  I will buy you ice-cream!

lördag 2 maj 2015

Prepositioner som styr ackusativ och dativ - bildstöd

Här kommer ett förtydligande inlägg om när prepositioner styr ackusativ eller dativ.

An, auf, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, vor, zwischen - dessa prepositioner styr ibland ackusativ och ibland dativ. Se Cecilia Jalkebos film i förra blogginlägget för förklaring.
Först måste ni ju veta hur de olika substantiven ändras beroende på om det är ackusativ eller dativ.
I bilden nedan står det inte i den ordning vi brukar skriva det, men jag hade inte tid att göra en egen bild! Nedan är ordningen - der, die, das, die - Jag brukar skriva der, das, die, die. Ordningen spelar ingen roll - det viktigaste är att ni vet att tex alla der-ord blir dem i dativ, das-ord blir dem, die-ord blir der och die i plural blir den + n.

Om det i meningen handlar om att någon eller något rör sig, styr prepositionerna ackusativ.
Tex. Ich gehe in die Küche. (Jag går in i köket.)

RIA - riktning ackusativ

Tänk på hästarna: UD Å RIA ( Skånskt uttal!)
(Ut och rida )
(Bild: www.hest.no)

BEDA - befintlighet dativ 

När det i sammanhanget handlar om att någon/något befinner sig på samma plats styr prepositionerna dativ.
Ich sitze in der Küche. ( Jag sitter i köket.) 

Tänk på: 
En sockerBEDA (Skånskt uttal!)
 (Bild: www.uma.se)

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