fredag 29 januari 2016

How to make a difference - argumentative text

Today and tomorrow  you are going to write an argumentative text.
1. Watch the film again. PERSUADER
2. Here you can read an example of an argumentative text
- In front of you, you  have the argumentative text and the same picture as in the film. You can see the word PERSUADER. 
- Work in your groups and compare the text and the picture. Has the author followed the instructions?
Can you find " the use of three"  emotional language, a rethorical question and so on... Underline what you find.
- Tell the whole class what you have found.
3. Work individually. Create your own mind-map. You need arguments for and against. You can find the arguments we talked about last time below.
4. Start writing your own text. Write individually. I don't want you to use your phones.
5. The text has to be finished at the end of the lesson next Monday.

Perfekt i tyska- vad man har gjort!

Till tisdag vill jag att ni har tittat på nedanstående film om perfekt:

The Same Stars

Continue reading. On Tuesday, you need to have finished chapter 8. Answer the questions below and hand in your answers when the lesson is finished. 
Next Tuesday (9/2) you will get a writing task. You will get more information about this next week. 

Read chapter 4 
Answer the following questions:
  1. What does the author mean when she writes "...this was truly an alien landscape."(p. 27)?
  2. Why did Asad have to ask Mozafar Khan about what Sarmand looked like?
  3. Come up with at least 5 synonyms of several and alone.

Read chapter 5
Change the underlined words into synonyms:

Khan Ali cooked a meal for us that first night, a delicious stew with some meat in it. I was famished, but I tried not to eat too much. I could see that my host was not wealthy.

Read chapter 6
Write sentences with the following verbs:

Chapter 7
  • How can you write instead of "It was embarrassing to be in class..."? (p.51)
  • Write 5 synonyms for handsome and 5 words for the opposite of handsome.
  • On p. 52 it says "the group had no common language besides Swedish". What does common mean in this sentence? Write a sentence where common has another meaning.

Chapter 8
  • Describe Mustafa and Asghar.
  • Why are Asad and his family not safe?
  • What work does a watchman do?

Veckodagar, månader och årstider på tyska.

Jag har lånat en film som är gjord av Cecilia Jalkebo. I den kan ni lära er veckodagar, månader och årstider på tyska.
Jag vill att ni lär er årstderna och månaderna till torsdag 4/2.

söndag 24 januari 2016

How to make a difference - Eng 7

Today and tomorrow we need to finish what we started last week. (Shannon from Malmö University will join us)

First of all, we need to vote! Which is the best definition of the word REFUGEE? Go to and use the code 21 33 99.  You can only vote once.

Those of you how have " How to make a difference"- posters need to finish them. Add text and show me. When you are finished I want you to publish your poster here:  How to make a difference .

The rest of you need to take a look at what the groups in Spain have written in your Google Docs.

We have to decide two things:
1. Which is the best definition of the word REFUGEE?
2. " Every refugee needs.... " you have all written different things. We need to come up with ONE sentence that we can use as a head-line in our blog.

Homework for tomorrow, Tuesday, will be:
Individually, you need to come up with one argument for and one argument against taking in refugees to Sweden.
I also want you to watch a short film (6 min) about how to write an argumentative text:

If we have time we will watch these films today otherwise we do it tomorrow:

måndag 18 januari 2016

How to make a difference - English 7

"Everybody deserves something good in their life-
at least once. "

This is quote from a very good book written by Morris Gleitzman.

What do you think it means?
What do you think that you deserve - at least once?
What do you think that a refugee needs  - at least once?

Together with your friends in Spain you are going to work in a shared Google Document.
Today you need to
1. Start a Google Document and name it with Everybody deserves.. group 1 etc..
I will show you how to put in the correct folder.
2. You will start by brain storming about " Every refugee needs.." Write in you Gdoc so the class in Spain can see what you are writing.
3. Together with the spanish group members you are going to come up with different suggestions of "Every refugee needs..." and discuss which one you would like. The Spanish class will not be on-line at the same time as you, but if you use the chat or write in the Gdoc they will see what you are writing. Remember that we represent Furutopskolan and I don't want you write stupid things!

Here are your groups:


Maria B.G, Mariona V.S, Eva T.E

1 a  Ludvig P,  Hjalmar, Anton
1 b Elsa, Felicia , Fabian, Vendela

2. Marc, Juan, Alejandro

 2a  Anna, Erika, Ella, Molly
2b Alexander, Willem, Rasmus

3. Brian, Lea, Eduard

  3 a  Ellinor, Sara, Ebba , Johanna
3 b John, Ludvig W, Max, Algot

4. Andrés, Juanjo, Marti

4a Klara, Ebba, Daniella, Julia

söndag 17 januari 2016

English 7 - How to make a difference

Last time you started to create your own How to make a difference - poster. I have looked at them and they are very nice. There are not so many so I think we can publish them all!

- When you hear the word REFUGEE what do you think of? Write individually.
- Why do you think people need to leave their country? Give a few reasons.

2. Turn to your neighbour and tell him/her your answers

3. We will together create a word cloud with different words you think of when you hear the word refugee.

This is a word cloud with the words from the text about the starfish:

4. The class in Spain has done the same thing and when they think of the word REFUGEE they think it is:
"A person who has had to leave or flee his or her country due to several                         reasons such as war, religion, politics, natural disasters…."
5. I want to you to think of reasons why people need to leave their country. That people do, we already know : 
- Discuss why people need to leave their homes. How do you think you would feel if you had to leave your home and sometimes your family too?
6. You have read the definition that the class in Spain wrote. 
Which is, now, your definition of the word refugee?

fredag 15 januari 2016

Die Welle - Nach dem Film

Jag vill att ni arbetar i par. Först och främst vill jag att ni skriver en kort sammanfattning på svenska om vad filmen egentligen handlar om.  Därefter ska vi gå över till att prata och skriva om filmen på tyska.
Skriv en halv till en skrivboksida.

Nedanstående är övningsuppgifter så att ni tränar på:
-att lyssna och förstå tyska genom att titta på filmen
- läsa och förstå genom att arbeta med frågorna
- skriva och tala så att en tysktalande person förstår

1. Arbeta i era grupper. Ta först reda på vad frågan betyder. (Använd helst de riktiga lexikonen i klassrummet, men telefonen är ok. Tänk dock på att det är OMÖJLIGT att skriva in hela meningar i Google Translate och tro att det ska bli begriplig tyska av det. Ni måste TÄNKA och slå upp ord. Skitjobbigt jag vet, men det finns ingen genväg! )
2. Svara på frågorna på tyska i din skrivbok. Alla skriver! 
3. Var beredd på att kunna säga ditt svar på tyska. 

(Jag skriver instruktioner på svenska så jag vet alla förstår. Då fungerar temat även om jag tex har vikarie.)

Nach dem Film: 

1. In welchem Land spielt der Film?
Der Film spielt in...

2. Wann spielt der Film?
3.. Über welchen Zeitraum erstreckt sich die Filmhandlung?
Die Filmhandlung erstreckt sich...

4. Welches Thema muss der Lehrer mit seiner Gruppe bearbeiten?
Der Lehrer bearbeitet...

5. Warum haben die Schüler keine Lust auf das Projektthema?
Die Schüler haben keine Lust weil, ...

6. Auf welche Weise probiert der Lehrer, die Schüler doch für das Thema zu interessieren?
Der Lehrer probiert ....

7. Wie reagieren die Schüler auf die ersten Schritte/ Maßnahmen?
Die Schüler werden ...

8. Warum will der Lehrer das Projekt nach einigen Tagen abbrechen?
Der Lehrer will es abbrechen weil,...

 9.) Wie hat euch der Film gefallen? Warum?
Ich finde den Film...  weil...
Ich denke... weil...
Meine Meinung nach

prima - ausgezeichnet - sehr gut - fantastisch - gut - na ja, es geht - nicht schlecht - gar nicht schlecht - nicht so gut - hat mir nicht so gefallen - nicht gut - leider nicht …

 10.) Warum? Welche Szenen im Film waren besonders gut oder schlecht?

Die Szene mit... waren besonders gut, weil... 

 interessant - spannend - lebensecht - faszinierend - überraschend - rührend - lustig - glaubwürdig - wunderschön - aktuell - ernsthaft - uninteressant - langweilig - banal - altmodisch - lebensfremd - ernsthaft - trocken - übertrieben - zu kompliziert …

 11.) Beschreibt den Charakter der Filmfigur, die euch am meisten beeindruckt hat und begründet eure Meinung. 

Marko - z.B Er ist... Ich finde, dass er..
Tim -

zufrieden – unzufrieden – sicher – unsicher – glücklich – unglücklich – offen – verschlossen – realistisch – träumerisch – nervös – ruhig – uninteressiert – neugierig – mutig – unternehmerisch – gelassen – egoistisch – hilfsbereit – heldenhaft – kontaktfreudig – zuverlässig – unzuverlässig – beherrscht – süchtig – liebenswürdig – barsch – freundlich – schlau – ehrgeizig – bescheiden – zögernd – ehrlich – unehrlich – kritisch – optimistisch – verzweifelt – usw.

12. Erklären Sie die Bedeutung der folgenden Leitmotive durch möglichst konkrete Beispiele aus dem Film: 
- Macht durch Disziplin 
- Macht durch Gemeinschaft
- Macht durch Handeln

13.) Hättest du in der Bewegung „Die Welle“ mitgemacht? Warum (nicht)? 

14.) Wie würdest du reagieren?

15.) Könnte so etwas auch in eurer Schule passieren? Warum (nicht)? 

Frågorna är hämtade från Goehte Institutet.

/ Sara 

torsdag 14 januari 2016

English year 9 -. grammar

Today we will continue working with grammar.
You will get the texts that you wrote before Christmas.
1. Work together and help each other. Take a look at every sentence and try to find the verb.
Is it correct? You can find the verbs in your workbook p. 155-157.
2. Finish what you did last time. Use the iPad.
Then continue:
Verb + ing and verb + infinitive 
* Watch the video and read the dialogue together.
* Use the iPad individually and Check your grammar nr 1 and 2.
* Work in your workbook:
p. 122 and 123.

When the lesson starts on Tuesday are we going to talk about the sentences on p. 123. Make sure you are finished! 

/ Sara

Appen Periscope - fördelar och nackdelar

Persicope - fördelar och nackdelar
Jag har under ett tag följt appen Periscope och jag vet att ni känner till den. Jag ser att många har konton där. Vi ska diskutera fördelar och nackdelar med den appen idag och jag har inte tänkt inleda mer än så då jag vill veta era tankar först.
  1. Fundera själv över appen. Har du laddat ner den? Varför ? Varför inte? 
  2. Diskutera med din granne. Vad ser ni för fördelar respektive nackdelar med appen? Skriv in era svar här :
  3. Diskutera i era grupper vilka möjligheter det finns med appen och skriv in det under rubriken Möjligheter i Padlet. 
  4. Diskutera i era grupper vilka faror ni ser med appar som kan livesända. Fortsätt skriva in er tankar i Padlet ovan- skriv Faror som rubrik. 
  5. Vi ska titta på vad Elza Dunkels skriver om att Blockering utsätter barn för större fara. Vad tycker  ni ? 

måndag 11 januari 2016

English 9

In front of you, you have a piece of paper with sentences. Work in your groups and try to figure out what is wrong! Write the correct answer below the wrong sentence. I also want you to be able to explain why you changed the sentence.

The sentences:

When you are standing on it so need you to lean forward and then it is moveing.

Are Fifa still an popular game?

The favouri holyday for me is christmas.

I whant to have good grades.

My goals is to be a teatcher.

What is the best things that is happend under this 3 years.

I want mutch mony to bye a good hourse.

I feels good because my freinds is nice.

Have yoiu meat your friends?

When you are finished with the sentences show me! Then grab an iPad and work with the tasks below.

Irregular verbs
Learn English teens - irregular verbs

1. Watch the film together in your groups.
2. Read the dialogue and help each other if you don't understand it.
3. Individually - work with the tasks named Check your grammar nr 1, 2 and 3.
When you are finished with a test show me before you continue.

 Regular verbs: 
Learn English teens - regular verbs

1. Watch the film - you may do it with a friend but you don't have to.
2. Read the dialogue and try to understand it!
3. Individually - work with the tasks namned Check your grammar nr 1, 2 and 3.

Homework for Friday:

I don't have your workbook at home so I will tell you when I meet you!
But I can promise you that it has to do with verbs!
/ Sara

söndag 10 januari 2016

Die Welle...

"Ihr seid also der Meinung, dass eine Diktatur heute in Deutschland nicht mehr möglich wäre?" 

1. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie? 
2. Was bedeutet das Wort Faschismus? 


2. Bildbeschreibung
Ich glaube, das sind ... 
Ich denke, das ist...
Die Leute fühlen sich...
Vorne steht...
Der Mann vorne ist/hat... 

3. Was weisst du bereits über den Inhalt? Worum könnte es gehen?

/ Sara 

Tyska 8

Välkomna tillbaka! Hoppas ni haft en skön ledighet!
Vi kommer att börja denna vecka med att repetera det vi avslutade HT med nämligen modala hjäpverb och hur man vet om ett ord har Der, Das eller Die som bestämd artikel.

Vill ni vara förberedda när ni kommer till lektionen så tittar ni på nedanstående film och bild:

Tyska 7

Välkomna tillbaka! Hoppas ni haft en skön ledighet!
Vi kommer att börja med att arbeta med ordkunskap. Först och främst ska vi lära oss olika regler för när ett ord har der, das eller die som sin bestämda artikel.
Genom att lära sig nedanstående regler kan man klura ut vilken bestämd artikel ett ord har.
Vi kommer denna veckan att lära oss reglerna för DER och träna på detta på olika sätt.

lördag 9 januari 2016

Welcome back! English 7

When we meet on Monday we will start the lesson by exploring Barcelona with my Google cardboard!
Do you know what a Google cardboard is? Take a look at the picture:
We are going to use the app Google Street View. We will use it to take a closer look at Barcelona to get to know the city.
But first of all are we going to learn how to use a Google Cardboard. I promise that you can try a roller coaster that feels worse than Balder!

Rememeber that the project with the school in Terassa, outside Barcelona, will continue from this week until March/ April. Here is the blog we use: How to make a difference .

The story below is written by Loren Eisley:

One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed
a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean.
Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”
The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean.
The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”
“Son,” the man said, “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make a difference!”
After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish,
and threw it back into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said , “I made a difference for that one.” 

What does this story mean? Why do you think I wanted you to read it? 

Think about the head line of our blog - How to make a difference. Why do you think we chose that head line? Do you think that You can make difference? Think about your family, friends, school, Vinslöv, Sweden and Europe? Is there anything you could do to make a difference?

1. Write down your own thoughts. I want you to be able to talk to a friend and to the whole class about your thoughts.
2. Tell your friend about how you can make a difference. Take notes so that you remember what your friend told you.
3.  Tell the whole class how your friend can make a difference.

Now use the Canva app and create your own poster. We will publish the 5 nicest Canvas on the blog!
We will of course vote anonymously !

/ Sara