fredag 30 september 2016

Matilda ch 7-9 week 40

We will talk about the questions below:

a How old is Matilda when she goes to school for the first time? 
b How many children does Crunchem Hall have? 
c How many other children are in Matilda’s group? 
d How old is Miss Honey?
e How many miles are on the clock of Miss Trunchbull’s car?
h How old is Hortensia?
i How many times was Hortensia in The Chokey in her first year? 
k Why does Matilda start going to school later than other children?
l Why does Miss Honey try to stay calm when Matilda multiplies twelve sevens? 
m Why does Miss Honey go to see Miss Trunchbull?
n Why does Miss Trunchbull like Mr Wormwood? …
o Why does Miss Trunchbull think Matilda is a bad girl? … 
p Why does Miss Honey go to see Matilda’s parents? … 
q Why doesn’t Mr Wormwood want to see Miss Honey? … 
r Why does Miss Trunchbull put children in The Chokey? …
s Why doesn’t Miss Trunchbull like Amanda’s hair? …

Before we start reading chapter 7, 8 and 9 we will talk about: 

Discuss with your neighbour.

1. Have you ever played a joke on a teacher? What happened? 
2. What do you think will happen when Miss Trunchbull finds the newt in her 
glass of water?
3. Look at the picture on page 29 and discuss the following questions:

  • What is the house like? Is it big or small? Is it new or old? Is it nice or not nice?
  • Where is the house located?
  • Who do you think lives in the house? Why do you think this?
  • Would you like to live in the house? Why or why not?
3. Chapter 7 is called Matilda's Eyes. Why, do you think? 
4. Look at the pictures on page 33 and 34 and discuss the following questions:
- Why is Miss Trunchbull holding a leg in her hand?
- What do you think has happened to Miss Trunchbull (p.34) ? Why do you think she is lying on the floor with her eyes shut?

I will read these chapters and you can just relax and listen! 

After reading: 
Phrases to talk about: 

" I think they do it on purpose"  What do you do - when you do something on purpose? 

"Don't be rude" - What do you say or do if you are being rude to someone? 

"He's clever at his business" - What does it mean? Is it something good or bad? Can you give an example of someone being clever at his/her business? 

" I will not waste any of my time in here" - Have you ever felt that you wasted your time on something? When and why? 

" Do you live by yourself, Miss Honey?" What does it mean to live by yourself

" nobody can find his will " What is a will? 

Work with your neighbour and answer the questions below. Both of you need to write! 

  1. What question does Miss Trunchbull ask Rupert?
  2. What word does Miss Trunchbull ask Eric to spell?
  3. What does Miss Trunchbull call Matilda’s father?
  4. How old was Miss Honey when her father died?  
  5. How much does Miss Honey pay to live in the little house?
  6. Who is Miss Honey’s aunt?
  7. What does Matilda do with the pieces of chalk?
  8. Why does Miss Trunchbull leave the village?
  9. What arrives at the office?
  10. Imagine that someone who hasn't read the book asks you about it - How would you describe the story? Is it a good story? Why? Why not? What is it about? What are the people in the story like? Do you like or dislike any of them? Motivate your opinions.

We will work with these tasks during the lessons on both Monday and Thursday.

/ Sara

The questions above are inspired by and Jossan's classrom.

torsdag 29 september 2016

Muntlig träning inför NP år 9

Vi ska börja med att titta närmre på ord som ni behöver använda för att kunna argumentera och diskutera på engelska.
Dessa ord kallas på engelska Linking words. 

Här är en länk till Quizlet Linking words

1. Träna enskilt på orden i Quizlet.
2. Vi ska tillsammans träna på orden i Quizlet Live.
3. Vi lyssnar på ett exempel från ett gammalt nationellt prov så att ni får en bild av hur det går till.
4. Vi hjälps åt i grupp med att ta fram argument och motargument enligt bilden nedan. Påståendet vi ska diskutera ser du nedan. Halva gruppen ska hitta argument för och halva gruppen emot. Vi hjälps åt.

Mobile phones are dangerous and disturb people
 Agree? Disagree? Explain why and give examples. What do your friends think?

5. När vi har tränat gemensamt ska ni nu hjälpa varandra i grupper. Ni följer samma mönster som vi gjorde tidigare och provar nu att diskutera: 

Smoking should not be allowed
Agree? Disagree? Explain why and give examples. 
What do your friends think?

6. Vi tränar tillsammans och i grupp nästa lektion också. 
7. På fredag nästa vecka provar vi att genomföra ett gammalt muntligt NP. Det blir då en bedömningsuppgift. 

/ Sara 

onsdag 28 september 2016

Skate Freak ch 3-5

Skate Freak

Today are we going to talk about the questions below: 
1. Dorf wanted Jasmine to be his friend but worried that “once she realized who I really was, she’d lose interest” (ch. 4). Dorf seems to have little self-confidence. What events have contributed to Dorf feeling low about himself? 

2. Who is SLG? What kind of person is she? Describe her. 
3. What does "stalking" mean? Can you give an example? 
4. Dorf 's mother hasn't called or talked to him for two weeks. How does he feel? Add a quote that shows his feelings. 
5. Who is Hodge? What kind of person is he? Describe him. Do you like or dislike him? Motivate your opinion. 
6. What do you think will happen in chapter 6-7? Why ? Motivate your opinion. 

Then : 

Download this app: 
Then follow the instructions: 
Class Code: Ask me to get your class code. 

and follow the instructions on the screen. Work in your groups and help each other! Speak English all the time.  Make sure that you start on the first task.. I have done something wrong when I created the lesson and I don't know how to fix it :) Just go back to task number 1 and start from there! 

2. The team that first solves the problem will win a nice prize! 

Good Luck! 

/ Sara 

måndag 19 september 2016

Do, does och did

Jag vill att ni tittar på nedanstående film och sedan gör den tillhörande quizen.

Filmen handlar om hur man ställer frågor med do, does och did. Ni upptäckte på lektionen idag att vi behöver träna på detta, eller hur?
Titta på filmen. Pausa. Tänk efter. Förstår du? Annars gå tillbaka och titta igen. 

1. Gå till
2. Ange koden: 857711
3. Ange ditt namn och gå med i spelet.
4. Spelet väljer en avatar till dig. När det är klart: tryck Start game
5. På din skärm kommer olika frågor upp och du ska klicka på det du tror är rätt.
6. Tänk på att det är både rätt svar och snabbast tid som krävs för att vinna!
7. Det är ok att träna flera gånger på samma. Ange då en siffra efter ditt namn som visar vilken gång i ordningen du gör quizen: tex Sara4

Här är quiz nr 2:

2. Ange koden: 067851
3. Spela!
4. Det är helt ok att prova flera gånger!


1. Titta på filmen nedan och gör sedan quizen.

1. Gå till
2. Koden: 223105
3. Spela!
4. Det är ok att spela flera gånger!

söndag 18 september 2016

Skate Freak w. 38

Work in your groups:

1. Linus, Elin A, Emil, David

2. Truls, Alexander P N, Alex

3.  Alec, Elin E, Elias He

4. Anton, Benjamin, Therese

5. Elias W, Oliver, Lukas

6.  Sara B, Felicia, Elias Ho

1. Download SHOWBIE
2. One person joins the classroom in Showbie by using the code that you can see on the whiteboard. 
3. Discuss the questions below and RECORD your discussions. Remember to say your names in the beginning of the recording.
When you are finished upload your discussion to SHOWBIE. I will show you how to do it.

Decide who will be the leader, the word finder and the character examiner: 
Read until p. 24. Prepare your different tasks. When you are finished- record your discussions in Showbie and then upload them. 

The leader of the discussion has two main tasks: 
1. Lead the discussion and make everyone get the same space when it comes to talking. Make sure that everyone reports their task, find out whether anyone has any questions to ask about the text (i.e. if he/she has reacted to something, if the person doesn’t understand or finds anything less good) and ask if anyone has anything they want to comment on or add to the discussion. 

2. Make a short summary of the chapter/s that you have read. Choose two scenes from the text and ask questions to each scene for the group to answer and discuss. 

The Word Finder 
Look up and make a list of words that you find different, difficult, important or useful. (At least 20 words) Look them up in a dictionary and write an explanation in English for each word. Use Quizlet to create your word list. Help the group with the hard words. Share the quizlet with your friends. 

The Character ExaminerObserve at least two characters in the chapter. Tell your group about them. Add a quote that supports your experience of him or her. What do you like/dislike about the characters? Describe him/her. 

Talk about: 
Dorf is the new kid in school, and he’s having trouble making friends and fitting in. He misses the town he used to live in. It was much smaller and he knew more people. Being the new kid at school can be very difficult. Š As a group, brainstorm ways to help new students feel welcome in your school or classroom. Write a mindmap to help you. Discuss in English, record your discussions in Showbie and upload it for me to listen to. 


Read chapter 4-5 
Individually answer the questions below and hand in your answers to me. Write in Google docs and share your text with me: 

1. Dorf wanted Jasmine to be his friend but worried that “once she realized who I really was, she’d lose interest” (ch. 4). Dorf seems to have little self-confidence. What events have contributed to Dorf feeling low about himself? 

2. Who is SLG? What kind of person is she? Describe her. 
3. What does "stalking" mean? Can you give an example? 
4. Dorf 's mother hasn't called or talked to him for two weeks. How does he feel? Add a quote that shows his feelings. 
5. Who is Hodge? What kind of person is he? Describe him. Do you like or dislike him? Motivate your opinion. 
6. What do you think will happen in chapter 6-7? Why ? Motivate your opinion. 

/ Sara 

Matilda chapter 4-6 Week 38

Matilda chapter 4-6 Week 38

Continue working with chapter 4, 5 and 6.

When we meet each other on Thursday w. 39 I want you to be finished with the tasks below: 

1. Read the chapter 4-6 again together in pairs. 
2. Summarise every chapter. Write 10 sentences in English. What happened? 
3. Underline 10 words from every chapter that you don't know or don't know how to spell. Translate them into your language.  Write new sentences with the words in English. Example: 
She was a terrible woman who frightened the children and teachers. 
Frightened: skrämde 
New sentence: My horse frightened me. 

4. When you have finished reading, have summarised what happened and written new sentences - answer the questions below: 

Chapters 4–6 
Answer these questions. Work in your pairs and help each other. Both of you write the answers. 

a How old is Matilda when she goes to school for the first time? 
b How many children does Crunchem Hall have? 
c How many other children are in Matilda’s group? 
d How old is Miss Honey?
e How many miles are on the clock of Miss Trunchbull’s car?
h How old is Hortensia?
i How many times was Hortensia in The Chokey in her first year? 
k Why does Matilda start going to school later than other children?
l Why does Miss Honey try to stay calm when Matilda multiplies twelve sevens? 
m Why does Miss Honey go to see Miss Trunchbull?
n Why does Miss Trunchbull like Mr Wormwood? …
o Why does Miss Trunchbull think Matilda is a bad girl? … 
p Why does Miss Honey go to see Matilda’s parents? … 
q Why doesn’t Mr Wormwood want to see Miss Honey? … 
r Why does Miss Trunchbull put children in The Chokey? …
s Why doesn’t Miss Trunchbull like Amanda’s hair? …
t Why does Miss Trunchbull make Bruce 

(Källa: Questions from 


When we meet each other on Thursday week 39 I want you to be finished with the tasks below: 

Start the first 10 minutes of the lesson by discussing the books that you are reading. 
Tell each other what has happened so far in your book. What do you think about the book? Motivate your opinion. 

Then work individually and write down the answer to the questions below. 

Reading log 1. How far have you read? Page:
1a. How does the novel start? Choose one of the alternatives. Does it start with…..
• somebody saying something
• a description (of the environment or of a character)
• something happening
• an explanation of the background to the story
• something else
Copy the first sentence of the book.

1b. Do you think it's a good beginning? Why?
1c. Was it easy or difficult to ”get into” the book?

2. Choose a quote from the book that you think is interesting, funny, irritating,... Copy it and explain why you chose it. What happened before this quote and what happened afterward?
3. What do you think about the author's descriptions of the environment? Are they too long, too few, beautiful, realistic, etc? The environment is not just the landscape. It's also feelings,... Give examples and use quotes from the book!

3. Underline 30 words that you don't know or don't know how to spell. Translate them into your language.  Write new sentences with the words in English. Example: 
She was a terrible woman who frightened the children and teachers. 
Frightened: skrämde 
New sentence: My horse frightened me. 

4. Characters:
Choose one or two characters to describe.
Ask yourself these questions: Who is the character I’m describing? What do I think about his or her personality and why?
Describe what the person means to the novel and how he or she has been acting up until the point you’ve read. How do those actions make you feel? Try to describe them as carefully and detailed as possible and relate them to quotations/give examples from the novel.

/ Sara

tisdag 13 september 2016

Skate Freak Ch 1-3

Chapter 1-3 

Work in your groups. This week is the first name Leader, the second is the word finder and third the character examiner.

Today's task:

1. Download SHOWBIE
2. Join the classroom in Showbie by using the code that you can see on the whiteboard.
3. Discuss the questions below and RECORD your discussions. Remember to say your names in the beginning of the recording.
When you are finished upload your discussion to SHOWBIE. I will show you how to do it.

4. Questions to talk about: 

a. Who is the main- character? Describe him/her. What do you think about him/her and what kind of person is he/she?

b. Where and when is the book situated?
c.. Dorf’s skateboard is very special to him. He says skateboarding makes him “feel in groove, totally chilled and high-wired at the same time” (ch. 1) What does he mean?

d. "If it is worth doing do it. If it's not worth doing, do it anyway" What does Dorf mean by that?

e. Have you ever done anything that you actually didn't dare doing? If you have - why did you do it and what did you do?

Upload your discussions !

5. Read chapter 2-3 aloud together.
6. Decide which roles you will be in charge of on Monday. Start preparing next lesson.
Who will be the leader, who will be the word finder and who will be the character examiner?

Homework for Tuesday the 20th of September:
Read until page 24. Prepare your "role" for next lesson. 
Have a look here: 

måndag 12 september 2016

Book Circle

Book circle

From today until the 4th of October we are going to work with Skate Freak.
You will work in groups and I want you to record what you talk about and also take notes. Use the app SHOWBIE. 
You will get questions and task to talk and write about later. This text is just to show you how we do it.


1. Linus, Elin A, Emil, David

2. Truls, Alexander P N, Alex

3.  Alec, Elin E, Elias He

4. Anton, Benjamin, Therese

5. Elias W, Oliver, Lukas

6.  Sara B, Felicia, Elias Ho

Every week you will change roles. Everyone needs to talk and take notes. 

The leader of the discussion has two main tasks:
1. Lead the discussion and make everyone get the same space when it comes to talking. Make sure that everyone reports their task, find out whether anyone has any questions to ask the text (i.e. if he/she has reacted on something, if the person doesn’t understand or finds anything less good) and ask if anyone has anything they want to comment on or add to the discussion.
2. Make a short summary of the chapter that you read. Choose two scenes from the text and ask questions to each scene for the group to answer and discuss. 

The Word Finder
Look up and make a list of words that you find different, difficult, important or useful. (At least 20 words) Look them up in a dictionary and write an explanation in English for each word. Use Quizlet to make your word list. You will get your log in from me. 

The Character Examiner
Observe at least two characters in the chapter. Tell your group about them. Add a quote that supports 
your experience of him or her. What do you like/dislike about the characters? Describe him/her. 

/ Sara 

söndag 11 september 2016

Matilda Chapter 1-3

Today we will read the first three chapters together.

Before we start reading - discuss the questions below with your neighbour. Take notes since I want you to be able to tell the whole class as well. 

1. Do you remember how old you were when you started reading?
2. What was the first book that you read and what was it about?
3. Do you remember your first day at school, when you were 6-7 years old? What happened and how did you feel?

After reading chapter 1-3 :

Work in pairs and help each other.  This time, I want you to write your answers. At the end of the lesson, we are going to talk about your answers in class.

1. Who is
a  Matilda
b  Mr Wormwood
c  Mrs Phelps

a What can Matilda do at the age of one and a half?
b What can Matilda do at the age of three?
c What can Matilda do at the age of four?
d Why does Mrs Phelps watch Matilda with surprise and excitement?
e Why doesn’t Mr Wormwood want Matilda to read books?

Do you think Mr Wormwood is a good father? Why or why not?

This part is for you, who already have read a book in English and need a challenge. 

1. Go to the library and find a book that you think will challenge you.
2. Read the first 2 chapters.
3. Underline words you don't know and translate them into Swedish. Make a word list.
4. Who is the main character?
5. Describe the person. What is he/she like?
6. Where is the book situated?
7. Describe the environment.
8. What do you think will happen in chapter 3-5

torsdag 8 september 2016

Skate Freak

The book that we are going to read is called Skate Freak. It is written by Lesley Choyce.

1. Take a look at the cover of the book. What do you think the book will be about? Write down three sentences.
2. Talk to a friend and tell your friend what you think the book will be about.
3. I will read the first chapter aloud.
4. Talk to a friend and summarise what happened in the first chapter.
5. Find 15 words or phrases from the first chapter that you don't know or don't know how to spell. Create your own wordlist in Quizlet.
6. Those of you who haven't finished your letters need to do that today.

söndag 4 september 2016

Matilda - Roald Dahl

Have you ever heard about Roald Dahl?

Roald Dahl is a very famous author. Perhaps you have watched Charlie and Chocolate factory with Johnny Depp?

He is also the author of the book that we are going to read: Matilda.

1. Take a look at the picture below. What do you think the book will be about?
First of all, work on your own and write down 5 words that you think of.
2. Compare your words with your neighbour - which words are the same and which are not?
Be prepared to tell the whole class about your thoughts.

3. Today (Monday) you need to finish your Letter to your future self. 

Homework for Thursday the 9th of September: 

1. Listen to Roald Dahl speaking about when he wrote the book. Scroll down to the yellow square below the characters:  Roald Dahl about writing Matilda
What did he have to do? How did he feel afterwards? 

2. Meet the characters. Click on the link to come to the text about the characters in Matilda. 
Just read through the text so that you know who you will meet in the book. The characters: Meet the characters