torsdag 13 oktober 2016

How to write a book review...

We have now read the book and watched the film, Matilda. You are now going to write a book review. To be able to do that you need some new words: 

Here you can find and practice the words online:  Quizlet.

Book review- bokrecension

The author of the book - bokens författare

The book takes place in... - boken utspelar sig i

The main-character is / the main- characters are.. - Huvudpersonen/Huvudpersonerna är

The book is about.- boken handlar om ..

The language of the book - bokens språk

The difference between the book and the film is...- skillnaden mellan boken och filmen

I prefer the film/the book because.. jag föredrar filmen/boken därför att...

I think that/ in my opinion - jag tycker att

If I could re-write the end of the book I would - Om jag kunde skriva om slutet på boken skulle jag...

I like the book/film because. - Jag gillar boken eftersom..

I dislike the book/film because - Jag gillar inte boken eftersom...

I would/ would not recommend this book - jag skulle / skulle inte rekommendera boken..

Below you can find questions that can help you with your text. Include the answers in the text and don't answer the questions one by one. 
  • What was the story about?
  • Who were the main characters?

  • What did the main characters do in the story?
  • Did the main characters run into any problems? What happened to them?
  • Who was your favourite character? Why?
  • Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?
  • Have you ever done or felt some of the things, the characters did? When? What happened?
  • Did you like or dislike the book? Motivate your opinion.
  • What was your favourite part of the book?

  • Was there a part that you didn't like at all? 

  • If you could change something, what would it be? (If you wish you could change the ending, don't reveal it!)
  • Would you recommend this book to another person? Why? Why not?
  • What type of person would like this book? Motivate your opinion. 
Some of you prefer pictures - this one you can see in the classroom: 


Vad kommer jag att bedöma?

Jag kommer bla att titta på om din text är begriplig för en engelsktalande person. Jag kommer också titta på om du har förstått boken.

Här kan du se en modelltext för hur en bokrecension årskurs 7 kan se ut:
The Call of The Wild.  Vilken kunskapsnivå tror du att denna motsvarar? Vad skulle författaren till denna text kunna förbättra? 

För att veta mer om vad jag bedömer och vad du ska tänka på kan du använda matrisen som finns här:

Bedömning: Matilda

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