måndag 16 november 2020

Matilda - grammar

 Utifrån era texter som ni skrev förra gången har jag tagit ut meningar där det finns grammatiska


1. Jag vill att ni i grupper om 3 går igenom mening för mening och försöker rätta dessa.
2.Prata med varandra och ta reda på hur meningen ska skrivas.
3.Jag vill också att ni ska kunna motivera varför ni har rättat som ni gjort. Ta anteckningar.
4. Jag vill att ni rättar med papper och penna. Om man kopierar in i ett dokument
markerar datorn vad som är fel och ni lär er inte lika mycket. Det är ni som ska ha
kunskap och inte datorn.

Hur säger man hans och hennes på engelska?
Hur inleder man en mening?
Hur fungerar do och does i engelska?
Hur skriver du verb i dåtid? Regelbundna och oregelbundna..

Miss honey was very upset with the parents reaction she thout matilda had very bad parents
and she wanted to help her.

when she teached the other childrens to spell cat and to multiple by 2. miss trunchbull sad
to miss honey that matildas dad was a car seller and he haved sold a car to her yesterday.  

Her parents are not so interested of their child's.

Her dad said no of curse because he was a mean father. But that didn’t stopped Matilda from reading.

Matilda  isn’t like any other girls but her parents does not see that, they thinks that she is a
little ordinary girl.

It is about a girl who names are Matilda.

But i think he doesn’t really care, he just does as his parents tell him to do. And think
that’s the right thing.

In the family its two parents on daughter one son. And the son is a bad boy likes to be l
ike his father and the father its always angry and hate his daughter.

She wants to read much books and be more clever but she's parents don't let her
to buy a book.

Her teacher knows that, but her parents doesn’t.

The son Michel was a kind boy, well thatś her parents thoughts. Because his were
never argue against them.

Matilda is a very clever girl for she’s age.

They don’t support she.

Her parents, mr and mrs Wormwood doesn’t like Matilda and doesn’t support her reading.

Mr and Mrs. wormwood where not very social people, Mr wormwood sold used, old and
broken cars for a living, Matilda thought that was wrong.

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