torsdag 9 januari 2025

Superheroes and Superpowers

 Superheroes and Superpowers

          (If you are a teacher and find this theme you need to know that I plan about 5 weeks for it. In the blog, you find the whole theme. During class I take parts of it and give instructions in Google Classroom.) 

You don’t need a cape, a mask, or disguise,
The power you seek is right there inside.
Courage and kindness are your greatest tools,
In a world full of chaos, compassion rules.
Be the hero you dream of; start here, start now,
With love in your heart, take your hero’s vow.

- Do you know the superheroes? 

First of all, I would like to know if you know the Swedish meaning of the words we will work with. 
Paper and pencils! Which alternative is correct? A, B or C? 

Before we move on we will look at some words and play Quizlet live. 

  1. Courageous - Modig
  2. Strong - Stark
  3. Fast - Snabb
  4. Intelligent - Intelligent
  5. Quick-thinking - Snabb i tanken
  6. Empathetic - Empatisk, förstå andra människors känslor
  7. Just - Rättvis
  8. Enduring - Uthållig
  9. Self-controlled - Självkontrollerad
  10. Determined - Beslutsam
  11. Brave - Hjältemodig
  12. Loyal - Lojal, man är pålitlig, "bror"
  13. Honest - Ärlig
  14. Resourceful - Påhittig, uppfinningsrik 
  15. Compassionate - Medkännande, man vill hjälpa andra som har det svårt
  16. Optimistic - Optimistisk, tror att framtiden blir bra. Det ordnar sig!
  17. Patient - Tålmodig, kunna hantera svåra situationer utan att bli irriterad
  18. Creative - Kreativ, komma på nya ideér 
  19. Independent - Självständig
  20. Hardworking - Arbetsam
  21. Reliable - Pålitlig
  22. Disciplined - Disciplinerad
  23. Humble - Ödmjuk, inte överdriva sina förmågor, visa respekt för andra
  24. Fair - Rättvis
  25. Generous - Generös, delar gärna med sig tex av tid, pengar, känslor. Vill hjälpa andra
What makes a superhero powerful? 
Discuss in pairs and decide which traits (egenskaper) are important for a superhero. 

Idiomatic expressions 

An idiomatic expression is a phrase whose meaning differs from the literal interpretation of the individual words. It often has a cultural or figurative meaning that native speakers understand but can be confusing for non-native speakers.

For example, "kick the bucket" means "to die," not literally kicking a bucket.

When it comes to superheroes, idiomatic expressions can be used to describe their actions or characteristics in a creative, figurative way. For example:

  • "Save the day" means solving a problem or fixing a situation, similar to what superheroes do when they defeat villains and protect the world.
  • "Bite the bullet" means to endure a difficult situation, like a superhero facing a tough challenge to save others.
Below there are idiomatic expressions that I would like you to learn: 
    Save the day – Rädda situationen
    The superhero arrived just in time to save the day. (Manage to make it successful.)
    (Superhjälten kom precis i tid för att rädda situationen.)

    Take a leap of faith – Våga lita på 
    He had to take a leap of faith and trust his new superpower.
    (Han var tvungen att våga lita på sin nya superkraft.)

    Face the music – Ta konsekvenserna
    After failing his mission, he had to face the music.
    (Efter att ha misslyckats med sitt uppdrag var han tvungen att ta konsekvenserna.)

    Rise to the occasion – Klara av utmaningen
    When the city was in danger, the hero rose to the occasion.
    (När staden var i fara klarade hjälten av utmaningen.)

    Bite the bullet – Bita ihop, kämpa
    The hero had to bite the bullet and enter the villain’s lair.
    (Hjälten var tvungen att bita ihop och gå in i skurkens gömställe.)

    Go the extra mile – Göra det lilla extra
    She always goes the extra mile to help those in need.
    (Hon gör alltid det lilla extra för att hjälpa de som behöver det.)

    Throw in the towel – Kasta in handduken, ge upp
    Even when things got tough, the hero refused to throw in the towel.
    (Även när det blev tufft vägrade hjälten att kasta in handduken. (Ge upp)

    Keep your chin up – Håll huvudet högt, vara stolt 
    He told her to keep her chin up after their first defeat.
    (Han sa åt henne att hålla huvudet högt efter deras första nederlag.)

    Break the ice – Bryta isen, lätta upp stämningen
    The hero broke the ice by cracking a joke before the battle.
    (Hjälten bröt isen genom att dra ett skämt före striden.)

    Burn the midnight oil – Jobba sent på natten
    The scientist burned the midnight oil to create the hero’s new suit.
    (Forskaren jobbade sent på natten för att skapa hjältens nya dräkt.)

    Have a heart of gold – Ha ett hjärta av guld, vara snäll och omtänksam 
    The superhero may be tough, but he has a heart of gold.
    (Superhjälten kanske är tuff, men han har ett hjärta av guld.)

    Hold the fort – Hålla ställningarna, ansvara för
    The sidekick held the fort while the hero went on a mission.
    (Medhjälparen höll ställningarna medan hjälten var ute på uppdrag.)

    Fight fire with fire – Bekämpa eld med eld, slå tillbaka med samma mynt, samma sak
    To defeat the villain, he had to fight fire with fire.
    (För att besegra skurken var han tvungen att bekämpa eld med eld.)

    Out of the blue – Helt oväntat, som en blixt från en klar himmel 
    The superhero appeared out of the blue to save them.
    (Superhjälten dök upp som en blixt från en klar himmel för att rädda dem.)

    The sky’s the limit – Det finns inga gränser
    With her new powers, the sky’s the limit for what she can achieve.
    (Med sina nya krafter finns det inga gränser för vad hon kan uppnå.)


Instructions for the Superhero Idiom Challenge

Welcome, heroes-in-training!

Today, you will work in teams to create a short superhero scene using idiomatic expressions. This is a fun way to learn new expressions and practice speaking English! Follow the steps below:

Step 1: Form Groups

I will divide the class into 4 groups. Each group will receive 4 idioms.

Step 2: Create a Superhero Scene

  1. Work together to write a short scene with 4-8 sentences.
  2. Your scene should involve superheroes and villains. Be creative!
  3. Include at least two of your idioms in the dialogue.
  4. Make sure everyone in the group has a speaking role.


Captain Courage: “Shadow Stalker, your reign of terror ends today! I’m here to save the day.”

Shadow Stalker: “Ha! Do you really think you can stop me? You’ll need to take a leap of faith if you believe that.”

Bright Spark: “Captain, we have no choice but to fight fire with fire. Let’s use the power of light!”

Captain Courage: “You’re right, Bright Spark. Shadow Stalker, prepare to face the music!”

Shadow Stalker: “You think you’re so strong, but you’ll throw in the towel once I unleash my shadow storm!”

Bright Spark: “Never! We always rise to the occasion, no matter how tough it gets!”

Step 3: Practice and Perform 

  • Practice your scene in your group.
  • When you are ready, each group will perform their scene. 

Step 4: Class Guess and Discussion

  • After each performance, the class will guess and discuss which idioms were used. You will get a list of all the idiomatic expressions we have worked with and while the group is talking you need to find out which expressions the groups have used. 
  • We’ll also discuss the idioms and how to use them in everyday conversations.

Remember: Speak as much English as possible, and have fun! You’re all superheroes today.

Let’s get started! 🚀

                                       Bell ringers! 
                        In pairs you are going to play
                                Would you rather... 

Thank you Ellen Malcolm! 

"With great power, there must be great responsibility"- Spiderman

* What does the quote mean? 

An Agony Superhero Aunt! 

Short writing to spark creativity! 

Writing to an agony aunt means asking for advice about a personal problem or challenge. An "agony aunt" is someone (usually a columnist or advice giver) who answers questions from people seeking help with issues like relationships, family, or life difficulties. People write to them to get guidance or suggestions on handling their situation.
  1. Work together in a group.
  2. Think of a common problem that teenagers might face.
  3. Write a question about this problem, like you’re asking for advice on a website or in a magazine.
  4. Imagine that a superhero answers your question.
  5. Think about how a superhero, like Hulk or Batwoman, would respond to your problem.
  6. Write a short answer (maximum 100 words, minimum 50 words).

Agony Superhero Aunt

I’ve had feelings for my best friend for a while, but I’m scared to tell him because I don’t want to ruin our friendship. What should I do?

Hulk’s Answer:
Hulk understands. Love is complicated, but sometimes, honesty is the best way. Talk to your friend when ready, but be prepared for any outcome. True friends will respect your feelings, even if things change. Hulk believes in being brave, even when it’s hard.

Batwoman’s Answer:
Batwoman says: Trust yourself. Vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness. If they value your friendship, they’ll appreciate your honesty. Whatever happens, you’ll find your way through it.

So just bite the bullet and then take the plunge! 

Break a leg! 

Hulk and Batwoman 


Shannon, can you give three tips about writing fanfiction?

1. If possible, choose a topic for your essay that you love and enjoy and that you want to spend time thinking about. 

2. If you're having a hard time getting started, imagine yourself in the story. Think about what you would do if you were the main character. 

3. For more advanced fanfiction writing, see if you can copy the style of the story you're basing your fanfiction on. What are some common phrases that are used? Is there a lot of dialog? Do characters speak with a certain accent? Try to mimic that.

Our fanfiction 

There are different types of fanfiction and we will take a closer look at the type called "cross-over". 
You pretend to be a superhero in a famous movie and you re-write parts of the story.
You may as well take your favourite character and put it in a completely different movie or book. Let's say you put Spiderman into Frost and that Spiderman and Elsa fall in love. Or what if Batman meets Pumbaa and Timon from The Lion King and they decide to help Simba fight Scar? 
What do you think would happen in the story?

1. Read about Fanfiction
2. Decide what film or book you want to write about (Pick a famous one!)
3. Decide which superhero you would like to be
4. Choose your favourite scene in the film or book that you would like to re-write

Together we are going to create our first story. We work together and help each other so you all know what to do. Which film or book do you think we should work with? Tell me!


How to write the story: 
Many pieces of fiction use a similar dramatic arc. It may be broken down as such:
  • The beginning. A beginning should set up the setting reasonably well, as well as introduce your central characters. Motivate why the characters meet. Why does Spiderman suddenly meet Elsa in Frost? 
  • Opening conflict. Something will often happen that sets a hero on his quest. (börja sitt uppdrag). This often (but not always) is the doing of the antagonist (en motståndare till ett verks huvudperson)  The rest of the story will involve the protagonist (huvudpersonen) trying to set things right again.
  • The story's middle. The middle of a story may be seen as the most important part of the story. This is where the story's world is explained, the characters build friendships, and the challenges become bigger.
  • The low point. Before the story's resolution, there is usually a point where the character seems lost. 
  • The resolution. A climax wherein the protagonist triumphs. The protagonist is the main character of a book or a film. Harry Potter is the protagonist! 

2. We will, in class, write a scene together and help each other understand how to write fanfiction. You have to find the tone and voice of the character that you have chosen and try to be and act as if the character has written the text. 
3. Individually you will create your fanfiction and write your story. Feel free to help and inspire each other with the content, but each student needs to practice grammar and spelling on their own, as well as look up words themselves, etc.

Here is a template to help you figure out how to write your story: 

4. Show Sara your plan and let her give you feedback before you start writing. 
5. Write in Trelson - size 12 - at least 200 words and a maximum of 800. 
6. Try to find suitable pictures and include them in your story. 
7. Sara will create a "Fanfiction- book" with your stories and pictures. Those of you who want to may publish your fanfiction on! 

If you find it hard to write fanfiction here is another alternative: 

Real Heroes – Superpowers or Not? 💪🌟
Superheroes have amazing powers, but real-life heroes don’t need capes. Who do you think are the real heroes in our world?

Write an essay where you explain what makes someone a hero. Give examples of real-life heroes and describe what they do. Do you think superheroes in movies and comics can inspire people to help others? Why or why not?

Think about:

  • What does it mean to be a hero?
  • Who are the real heroes in our world? (For example, doctors, firefighters, teachers, or someone you know)
  • Who is Your hero and why? 
  • Can fictional superheroes motivate people to help others? How?

Remember to:

  • Give examples of real-life heroes.
  • Explain why they are important.
  • Share your own thoughts and feelings.
  • Write about 500 words.


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