söndag 24 september 2023

Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative 

Today you will work together in groups and help each other while writing a personal narrative. I will decide who will be in which group. 

Here is a guide that will help you structure your text: 

If you need inspiration you can choose one of the stories below: 
* In our school there are students who have pets. Every Tuesday, the students and the pets change bodies. Max's dog suddenly became the most popular kid in school! 
Write a story where you use size 12 and write about 150 words where Max's dog is the main character. 

* In a world where shoes had superpowers, Jake's sneakers gave him the ability to run as fast as a cheetah, but only when he wore polka-dot socks. 
Write a story where you use size 12 and write about 150 words where Jake is the main character. 

If you don't get the inspiration above you can click here: 
Story Starter (I will show you how it works) 

1. Decide what to write about. Write a mind map where you use the guide on top of this page and answer the questions. Remember to add sensory details to your story and try to describe places and persons so the reader will get "pictures in the head". 
2. Open a Google document and share it with everyone in the group. 
3. You are able to write at the same time so decide who will write and when. Ex: 
Sara writes the three first sentences, Ellen writes the next three and Ahmed writes the next three. Then you start over again and Sara writes three sentences.. If you want to you can use different colours that make it easier to see who has written. 

/ Sara 

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