torsdag 22 augusti 2024

Identity - who do you think you are?

 Well, it is not always easy to know. When I was your age I was in the stable every day and thought that I was going to work with horses when I grew up.  When I was 18 I moved to Ireland and actually worked in a show jumping stable for a few months. 

Do you think I continued working with horses after that? 

The text we are reading today (Awesome 9) is about Olivia and Oliver, who are fraternal twins. Fraternal twins (tvåäggstvillingar)  originate in two different eggs and are usually no more alike than ordinary siblings. Fraternal twins have different DNA, while identical twins share the same DNA. It is often said that twins have a special connection and may understand each other in almost telepathic ways. However, there is no research to prove that this is actually true. 

Do you know any twins? Do they have a special connection? 

1. Together we will read a text about Olivia and Oliver. 
3. While listening to me reading the text, underline words you don't know. 
4. Work in pairs and create a list with three columns: 

5. Now think about three things that characterise you! 
Write those three things in the YOU column. 
6. Turn to your neighbour and compare your lists. Do you have anything in common? 

Week 35

Last time we read a text about Olivia and Oliver, who were twins. Even though they are twins they have their own identity and personality. 

It is common to think about identity and who you are. 

  1. Think about and write down the answers to the questions below. Use Trelson! 

  2. Writing just a few sentences per question is perfectly fine as long as you write in English! 

    1. What are some characteristics or qualities that you believe define who you are as a person?

    2. How do your family, cultural background, and upbringing contribute to shaping your sense of identity?

    3. Can you think of a time when you felt proud? How did that experience relate to your sense of self?

    4. What are some hobbies, interests, or activities that make you feel most like yourself? How do these activities contribute to your identity?

    5. How do your friendships and relationships with others influence the way you think about yourself? Are there certain people who bring out different aspects of your identity? Do you act the same if you are with your closest friends, classmates, parents or grandparents? 

  3. Friday 

    Together in class, we will watch To This Day" ... for the bullied and beautiful, which is a Ted Talk by Shane Koyczan.  While watching, take short notes on key things he says. 

  4. - What is his main message?

  5. - How has his childhood and what happened to him shaped him into who he is today? 

  6. - Have you felt or encountered anything similar as Shane did? When? How did it make you feel?  

Individually - answer the questions below. Just a few sentences to help you remember. 
In pairs - discuss the questions. 
In class - discuss the questions. What did you talk about in your pair? 

1. What do you think of when you hear the word "cyberbullying"?
2. What examples of cyberbullying can you think of?
3. Do you think online bullying is worse or not as bad as physical bullying?
4. Is cyberbullying a problem among your friends?
5. What would you do if you or your friends were cyberbullied?
6. How do you think cyberbullying affects the lives of those bullied?
7. What responsibilities do the websites have in stopping it? 
8. What responsibilities do you and your friends have?  
9. What can you do if you are being attacked on social media? 

Week 36 


We will write in Trelson (I will show you how it works. Bring earphones if you have.)
I want you to write between 250-600 words size 12. 
The sentences below are just examples. You may use them as inspiration. 

Choose between:

1.  Write a letter to Shane in the video. 
- What would you like to tell Shane? 
Dear Shane, 
I just watched your Ted Talk and I really felt... 
I hope... 
All the best, 

2. Write a letter to yourself "What would I say to myself when I was being bullied?"

Dear Sara, 
You are such a strong individual, even if you don’t feel like you are. Even though your school peers make you feel bad about yourself, you still get up every morning and go to school. That is so brave! 
First of all, I think ... 
I also believe... 

Week 37 

I have read your texts and given you feedback in Trelson.  
In front of you, you have sentences that I have taken from your text. Improve grammar and spelling

1. Individually, try to improve the sentences. There are several things to be fixed. 
2. Turn to your neighbour and compare your sentences. If you need to - re-write your sentences. Decide which one you think is correct. 
3. Together in class we will help each other improve the sentences. 
4. Take a look at your feedback and improve your own text. 

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