måndag 2 september 2024

Call of the Wild

 famous author that we are getting to know is Jack London. He is considered a very important author of the 19th century. 

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: the number in the name of the century (the 19th century, for example) is always one higher than the number that starts the century's years: the years of the 19th century start with 18. In Swedish: the 19th century= 1800-talet, the 18th century= 1700-talet and so on)


Jack London was a 19th-century American author and journalist, best known for the adventure novels White Fang' and 'The Call of the Wild.'

After working in the Klondike, Jack London returned home and began publishing stories. His novels, including The Call of the WildWhite Fang, and Martin Eden, placed Jack London among the most popular American authors of his time. 

Jack London, was born on January 12, 1876, in San Francisco, California. Jack London found fame and some fortune at the age of 27 with his novel The Call of the Wild (1903), which told the story of a dog that finds its place in the world as a sledge dog in the Yukon. He published more than 50 books over the last 16 years of his life.

For much of the last decade of his life, London faced several health issues. This included kidney disease, which ended up taking his life. He died at his California ranch, which he shared with Kittredge, on November 22, 1916. 

Source: biography.com

The book we will read is named: The Call of the Wild. 

1. Chapter 1 and 2 

Before reading

Group discussion

The book starts in Santa Clara Valley, California. 
* Do you know where that is? In what part of the US is California? USA- Google Maps
* In the book, London writes about the Klondike Gold Rush? Do you know what that is? 
* Buck is a St Bernards - do you know what that breed looks like?

I will read chapters 1 and 2 for you. Let's read the questions below before we start. 
Answer the questions below by taking short notes while I am reading. 

While reading 

Find out the answers to the questions below: 
1. Where did Buck live until he was 4? 
2. Why did Manuel steal Buck from Mr Miller?
3. How did the fat man make Buck obey him? (obey=lyda, göra som någon säger)
4. Buck went by train- where did he go? How far from Santa Clara Valley is he now? 

Week 37 
Let us look at the vocabulary of chapters 1-3! 

Which are the characters in the book? 
When you meet different persons and dogs in the book - complete the chart below: 

After reading 
Open Trelson and answer the questions below: 

1. Describe Buck. What kind of dog is he? Do you think dogs have feelings?
2. How do you think Buck felt when he was stolen and beaten? 
2. Why do you think Jack London named chapter two: The Law of Club and Tooth? 
3. Who is Curly and what happened to her? 
4. How was Buck affected by what happened to Curly? 
5. “Perrault knew dogs, and when he looked at Buck he knew that he was one in a thousand.”
- who is Perrault and what does the quote mean? 
6. What is the one thing that Dave and Sol-leks live for? Why do you think they are like this?
7. If you were Buck, which of the other sled dogs would you choose to be your teacher and why? 
8. Think about Spitz as a person. How would he be if he was a person? 
 Can you think of someone that behaves like Spitz? 

/ Sara 

Week 38 

Together we will read chapters 3 and 4. 
Go to Trelson and: 

1. Write a summary of chapter 3 and 4. 
What happened? 
Write at least 15 sentences.
2. After the summary: 
You will find three columns: 

Include something that you liked in Chapters 3 and 4. 
Something that you disliked. Also add if there is anything you don't understand? 

Week 39 
Before we continue reading the last part of the book I would like you to discuss chapters 1-4. 
1. In pairs, look at the text and write down supportive words (stödord) to help you discuss the questions below.
2. Go to Trelson and record your discussion. Say your names before you start talking so I can recognize your voice when listening to you. 

Questions to talk about: 

In Chapters 1-4, Buck changes from being a pet dog to one who has to use his instincts to stay alive in the wild Yukon.

Talk about these questions in small groups (I will choose groups) and record your discussion in Trelson: 

  1. How does Buck’s new life change him?
    Think about how his old life in California was different from his new life in the Yukon. What skills does Buck learn to survive?

  2. How do Buck’s instincts help him?
    Look at how Buck behaves at the start of the story and how he acts by the end of Chapter 4. What new things does he learn?

  3. Can you connect Buck’s experiences to human life?
    Have you ever had to use your instincts to handle a difficult situation? How do people change when they are in new or tough environments?

  4.  What did you like about chapters 1-4? What did you dislike? Anything you didn't understand that, perhaps someone in the group can help you understand? 

How to write a book review

Good phrases you need to know before you start writing

Book review- bokrecension

The author of the book - bokens författare

The book takes place in... - boken utspelar sig i

The main-character is / the main- characters are.. - Huvudpersonen/Huvudpersonerna är

The book is about.- boken handlar om ..

The language of the book - bokens språk

The difference between the book and the film is...- skillnaden mellan boken och filmen

I think that/ in my opinion - jag tycker att

If I could re-write the end of the book I would - Om jag kunde skriva om slutet på boken skulle jag...

I like the book/film because. - Jag gillar boken eftersom..

I dislike the book/film because - Jag gillar inte boken eftersom...

I would/ would not recommend this book - jag skulle / skulle inte rekommendera boken..

Questions to guide you while writing
Remember to write a text and do not answer the questions one by one

1.  What  is the name of the book you have read? Who is the author? 

2. Where and when does the story take place?

3. Describe the setting of the book. 

 The setting is where a story takes place, or where the story is located. 

The first part, is the physical location.

The second part is the time. Some stories may not give you a specific time. Sometimes you can guess the time through clues and hints that are in the story.

The final part of the setting is the time period, or the moment in history, that a story takes place.

1.. What was the story about? (give a brief outline of the plot but never reveal the ending!)

2..     What did you think about the title?

3..Who was the main character and what did they do?

4.  Who were the other important characters?

5.    Who was your favourite and why?

6.  Could you relate to any of the characters in the story?

7.   Did you like the book - was it professionally written?

8.   Did you have a favourite part of the book?

9.     Do you have a least favourite part of the book?

10.   Would you change anything in the story?

11.   Would you recommend this book to another person? If yes tell us why. If no tell us why.

Here you can see an example of a book review: 

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